"Republicans soak the rich (and you)" update

Posted by | 1:13 PM
From Brad DeLong : Mark Kleiman: Magnitudes : Total value of the bailout bill: $700 billion. Net cost to the taxpayer: unknown, b...

"Conservative" columnist: Republicans f***ed up and are f***ed up

Posted by | 7:26 AM
David Brooks of the New York Times is a "conservative" columnist, so his job is to write good things about Republicans (otherwise ...

Soak the rich

Posted by | 1:33 PM
Today, House Republicans scuttled the financial bailout bill . In response, the Dow plunged by 777 points, its biggest one-day loss in histo...

Electoral reality

Posted by | 1:45 PM
Obama may have reclaimed a (slim) lead in the polls, but here's the national electoral map . I expect Obama to win Pennsylvania and Minn...

A plan for America: more Macacas, please!

Posted by | 5:57 PM
Two years ago, up-and-coming Republican George Allen threw away his political career when he called an Indian-American member of his audienc...

Obama wins debate

Posted by | 5:33 PM
John McCain looked confused and irrelevant for 30 minutes, until they finally switched to foreign policy and he got to spit out the same rob...

John McCain: The man is mad.

Posted by | 1:43 PM
I never thought I'd say this about anyone, but I'd rather have a third term of Bush than have one term of John McCain. First he says...

Good point

Posted by | 1:33 PM
Via Brad DeLong, a good point about the proposed bailout: Assume the govt. borrows money at 4% interest to finance the bailout. Now suppose...

A new idea for a bailout

Posted by | 9:05 AM
Matt Yglesias may be onto something here . The financial crisis is based on the housing crisis. All, or nearly all, of the "toxic waste...

George Will is full of it

Posted by | 2:21 PM
George Will: "This is one reason conservatives regret the growth of government: It entails supplanting the rule of law -- laws written ...

This has GOT to be a joke

Posted by | 2:13 PM
John McCain "suspended" his campaign for the presidency today, in order to "work on the financial crisis" in Washington...

You can have your 5 back, now give me back my two 10s

Posted by | 9:20 AM
Investment banks (also called "broker-dealers") were at the center of the current financial crisis. They were the lynchpin of the ...

My Republican hero

Posted by | 7:55 AM
College Station, Texas - my hometown - is a famously conservative town. George Bush Drive runs right through the center of town, right down ...

Articles to read

Posted by | 3:18 PM
Some people have complained that the finance industry has been sucking in far too many of America's best and brightest, moving them from...


Posted by | 1:49 PM
In Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, Trantor is the capital of the Galactic Empire, a planet-sized megacity of a hundred billion. But,...

Party politics

Posted by | 11:21 AM
At a party last night, I asked a guy (white, late 20s, public school history teacher) if he was a Democrat or a Republican. He said that alt...

The lipstick is coming off the turkey...er, pig

Posted by | 6:21 AM
Sarah Palin, the pig-in-lipstick that has recently caused Democrats to flee howling in terror, is rapidly losing her luster. Her favorabilit...

Culture be danged

Posted by | 11:36 AM
Education policy post of the day , courtesy of Paul Tough: [A major question about education policy] is one that [historian Diane] Ravitch r...

Where the hell is Obama? (financial meltdown edition)

Posted by | 9:01 AM
How on Earth is it that John McCain is the first to come out with a bold proposal to reform the financial system? Forget about the fact tha...

Not so fascist

Posted by | 7:56 AM
In the Washington Times, Bruce Fein draws an implict parallel between the U.S. and Rome. Our country, he claims, is transitioning from a de...

Nation of whiners, redux

Posted by | 9:57 PM
Against their better political judgment, Republicans just can't seem to stop calling Americans a bunch of whiners. Today, Donald Luskin,...

I don't like Ike

Posted by | 5:08 PM
My friend Luke lives in Houston. This is his house...note the tree that has lopped off the top of it. Fortunately, he and his wife Pam evacu...

Our next Vice President

Posted by | 5:12 AM
Yesterday, Sarah Palin said she's ready to fight a war with Russia , claimed Iraq carried out the 9/11 attacks , and, when asked, had no...

Today's #1 threat: BEARS!!!

Posted by | 8:32 AM
More news from the eternal war between man and bear: The bears attacked on water , launching a deep-water ambush of a human naval vessel. Fo...

Yuan a debate?

Posted by | 7:31 AM
The only thing saving the U.S. from falling into a steep recession right now is the export boom . The falling dollar has made American goods...

Just couldn't wait

Posted by | 10:14 AM
A teenage girl in India killed herself today over fears that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland will destroy the world. Talk about im...

My dad was right

Posted by | 7:39 AM
I've always been a hypochondriac. When I was a kid, you name it, I was scared of it - ebola, cholera, tetanus, electrocution, serial kil...

Revenge of the Tards

Posted by | 4:01 PM
From an essay on the dumbing-down of America : For academics on the political left, the last eight years represent the sleep of reason produ...


Posted by | 5:35 PM
Catching up on Republican speeches and the political buzz, it's pretty clear that the Republicans are running a one-issue campaign. That...

The ownership society

Posted by | 11:11 AM
The long-term growth rate of U.S. stock prices (S&P 500) is historically about 10% per year. On average, if your money was invested in t...

The "O" in GOP

Posted by | 10:45 AM
David Frum, a conservative writer, has written maybe the best column I've seen on America's changing partisan demographics . On ineq...

the speech

Posted by | 9:40 AM
I didn't get to watch Sarah Palin's convention speech live (I was cramming for prelims), but I wanted to catch it on Youtube to see...

The Youtes

Posted by | 8:07 AM
A lot has been made of Obama's appeal to the youth vote, just as a lot was made of Kerry's appeal to the youth vote. The problem: th...

Maslow and the Culture Wars

Posted by | 3:06 PM
Back, y'all! Here's a post from Matt Yglesias : [Many liberals subscribe to an image] of low-income people hoodwinked into backing t...