John McCain: The man is mad.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I never thought I'd say this about anyone, but I'd rather have a third term of Bush than have one term of John McCain.

First he says the fundamentals of our economy are strong. A day later, he admits an economic crisis exists, and blames it all on Chris Cox, the obscure chairman of the SEC. A few days after that, he "suspended" his campaign and canceled his debate appearance in order to rush back to Washington and "force" Congress into making a deal. While in Washington, he nearly scuttled the deal all by himself in a wild attempt at political grandstanding. As soon as it became obvious that he had lost the PR battle, he re-started his campaign left Washington, and was suddenly back in the debate.

This is a man who opposed torture for years before suddenly supporting it. A man who picked his vice presidential nominee after having met her once (and only briefly). He's not just a flip-flopper; he's a total loose cannon. Bush is a bit dim; McCain is absolutely stark raving nutso. If he ever had it, he has lost it now.

What can Obama tell the American public if they don't realize this on their own? How do you say that your opponent is a total stark raving lunatic without insulting the mentally ill?

McCain has no policy ideas. No coherent philosophy. No charisma. No constancy. No demonstrated leadership ability (the opposite, in fact). Nothing. The only reasons people will vote for McCain are A) if they aren't paying attention, B) because he may be batshit crazy but at least he's white, or C) if they are among the minority of people who have been brainwashed into thinking that Republican = Good, always and forever.

As for me, at this point I'd vote against McCain even if Obama were a dachsund.


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