Nation of whiners, redux

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Against their better political judgment, Republicans just can't seem to stop calling Americans a bunch of whiners. Today, Donald Luskin, a McCain advisor, details all the reasons why the economy just isn't that bad.

Well, if you consider U.S. stocks losing money over the last decade to be not that bad. Or total unemployment (including discouraged workers and the underemployed) at its highest level since the early 90s recession. Or $100 oil and $4 gas. Or median household income having declined over the decade. And I guess all those government takeovers of major investment banks and mortgage companies don't signify anything bad on the horizon at all, right?

But I don't want to quibble.

What is important here is the fact that, by Luskin's own admission, most people think the economy is doing badly. So do Republicans really think they're going to win votes by telling voters "No, you're wrong, reality isn't how you're seeing it"? Calling people whiners my satisfy Republicans' sense of self-righteousness, but isn't it a bad tactic in an election year?

Maybe the Republicans think they've got this thing locked up, what with the mighty Palin Bounce, and that they can go back to trying to push their blinkered policies on the whiny electorate. After all, self-reliance and rugged individualism mean shutting your big fat mouth and letting Republican economic advisors tell you what's real and what isn't.


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