Public Investment Goods

Posted by | 1:28 PM
I've said it (a billion times) before, and I'll say it again: government spending is essential for economic growth. That doesn't...

Life Imitates Old Testament

Posted by | 3:50 PM
Via Ry, Christians pray for the recover of the U.S. economy ... IN FRONT OF A GOLDEN COW. Seriously. Hopefully this will mean 40 years in th...

Lines on a map

Posted by | 8:09 AM
The West is going blue . Colorado and New Mexico have been there for a couple years now, thanks to shifting demographics (liberal white peop...

McCain's final turd fling

Posted by | 2:16 PM
As John McCain teeters, tumbles, and falls into the abyss of political irrelevance, he reaches out to fling one last turd at the reality-bas...

Out for a few

Posted by | 3:36 AM
Noahpinion will be on hold for a few days...

Ed Prescott unleashed

Posted by | 7:03 PM
Ed Prescott is a Nobel Prize winner in economics...his famous theory, which is called "Real Business Cycle Theory," basically stat...

Bad logic on unions

Posted by | 5:19 PM
Matt Yglesias writes: [W]hen you hear about the evils of EFCA recall that when unionization rates were higher in the first half of the post...

Are we a conservative nation?

Posted by | 10:22 AM
Yglesias and Krugman are not very impressed with a Newsweek editorial that claims that America is a center-right country . But it's ha...

Whither the Republic(ans)?

Posted by | 12:42 PM
Via Ry, stories about McCain supporters slashing tires at Obama rallies and harassing Obama voters at the polls . Seeing this made me thi...

Bad bets

Posted by | 12:27 PM
Nate Silver has uncovered a "rogue trader" trying to manipulate the Intrade presidential election futures markets. The trader has...

Krugman is right, but...

Posted by | 9:58 AM
Krugman sayeth : [T]his is also a good time to engage in some serious infrastructure spending, which the country badly needs in any case. Th...

Yglesias sums it up

Posted by | 9:42 AM
Matt Yglesias gets what for me might as well be the last word on the "New Narrative": [I]t seems to me that the Republicans were ...

Oh yeah? Well you like ICE CREAM! :P

Posted by | 2:39 PM
Ry wrote to notify me of this : A local California GOP women’s organization’s most recent newsletter claims that if Obama is elected, his fa...

A Bresh of Freth Air

Posted by | 8:20 PM
I actually thought this debate was a tie. Obama dodged a lot of questions and gave a lot of stale answers. He didn't respond nearly as f...


Posted by | 4:59 PM
The two biggest Republican talking points on the air right now are A) the "New Narrative", and B) the idea that ACORN is committin...

New Narration

Posted by | 8:25 AM
Given our continuing economic troubles, it's no surprise that the "New Narrative" (that the crisis was caused by stupid minori...


Posted by | 6:15 AM
Ezra Klein continues on his crusade to prove there are very few real "swing voters." He writes: Examining the 2004 election, [res...

Noah Smith, chief advisor to the McCain campaign

Posted by | 6:21 PM
Interesting fact: the McCain economic plan for government purchase of mortgages was suggested by me on 9/26. Of course, that was when the ...

Fresh-breaking news from my swivel-chair

Posted by | 8:27 AM
The McCain campaign appears to have undergone a fundamental shift. It seems the campaign is no longer about winning, it's about looking ...

Semper ubi sub ubi

Posted by | 7:28 PM
Maureen Dowd asserts that America is following in the downward footsteps of the Roman Empire . The writing may be silly, but the thesis is a...

Awwwwww yeah

Posted by | 5:15 AM
Paul Krugman just won the Nobel Prize in economics . Yes, that Paul Krugman. Now, he won it for his theory of "economic geography,"...

Investment - an economic paradigm for liberals

Posted by | 9:11 PM
Liberals need an economic philosophy other than "take money from the rich and give it to the poor." We used to have a great one: i...

Talent Diversion

Posted by | 8:39 PM
A couple years ago, a friend of mine complained that the finance industry was sucking up way too much of our top talent. Instead of a lonely...

"Un"decided voters

Posted by | 9:45 AM
Ezra Klein agrees with Chris .

Race and the race, cont.

Posted by | 7:31 AM
We usually think of "race" in politics as being a black-white thing, maybe with Hispanics thrown in there kinda-sorta. But this ne...

Good for John McCain

Posted by | 5:03 PM
If Sarah Palin's speeches are any indicator, the McCain campaign has decided to go all-out with the "Obama is a scary outsider"...

Race and the race, cont.

Posted by | 8:07 AM
Here's some more excerpts from that same George Packer article on Ohio swing voters : “I think the party-line Democrats are having a har...

Noah's conservative rant

Posted by | 6:14 PM
Ezra Klein calls George Packer's essay on Ohio swing voters " deeply moving [and] deeply sad ." The article basically ignore...

Crisis (of faith) averted

Posted by | 7:50 AM
A couple weeks ago, conservatives were having a crisis of faith. The economy was heading into free fall, and everyone was saying it was dere...

Strange moments in Nobel Prize history

Posted by | 4:47 AM
You may have heard of Richard Feynman, the physicist/prankster who played bongos, wrote a guide on how to pick up women, cracked the safe co...

White power on the march

Posted by | 8:47 AM
When I first heard that McCain's new campaign strategy was to "go negative," I said to myself: "OK, so McCain is going to...

I were stupid

Posted by | 3:16 PM
I've been going around saying that Obama needs Ohio, Virginia, or Florida, to win - that just getting Colorado would be enough. Turns ou...

The Bush Boom

Posted by | 11:50 AM
If eight years ago you had all your money in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (the safest and lowest-cost mutual fund there is) on the day George...

John McCain IS 1980s action cinema

Posted by | 11:39 AM
Not only is John McCain's name just one consonant away from "John McClane" of the Die Hard movies, but now FP Passport brings...

Good writing outsourced

Posted by | 11:31 AM
I'm outsourcing all my opinions for the day to Francis Fukuyama, who has written an excellent summary of where we are as a nation . If y...


Posted by | 8:33 AM
At a convention this weekend, I remarked on how unusual it is these days to find a politically conservative economist ("Yeah," my ...