Posted by Unknown | 1:28 PM
I've said it (a billion times) before, and I'll say it again: government spending is essential for economic growth. That doesn't...
Home » Archives for October 2008
Public Investment Goods
I've said it (a billion times) before, and I'll say it again: government spending is essential for economic growth. That doesn't...Life Imitates Old Testament

Posted by Unknown | 3:50 PM
Via Ry, Christians pray for the recover of the U.S. economy ... IN FRONT OF A GOLDEN COW. Seriously. Hopefully this will mean 40 years in th...
Lines on a map
Posted by Unknown | 8:09 AM
The West is going blue . Colorado and New Mexico have been there for a couple years now, thanks to shifting demographics (liberal white peop...
McCain's final turd fling
Posted by Unknown | 2:16 PM
As John McCain teeters, tumbles, and falls into the abyss of political irrelevance, he reaches out to fling one last turd at the reality-bas...
Ed Prescott unleashed

Posted by Unknown | 7:03 PM
Ed Prescott is a Nobel Prize winner in economics...his famous theory, which is called "Real Business Cycle Theory," basically stat...
Bad logic on unions
Posted by Unknown | 5:19 PM
Matt Yglesias writes: [W]hen you hear about the evils of EFCA recall that when unionization rates were higher in the first half of the post...
Are we a conservative nation?
Posted by Unknown | 10:22 AM
Yglesias and Krugman are not very impressed with a Newsweek editorial that claims that America is a center-right country . But it's ha...
Whither the Republic(ans)?

Posted by Unknown | 12:42 PM
Via Ry, stories about McCain supporters slashing tires at Obama rallies and harassing Obama voters at the polls . Seeing this made me thi...
Krugman is right, but...
Posted by Unknown | 9:58 AM
Krugman sayeth : [T]his is also a good time to engage in some serious infrastructure spending, which the country badly needs in any case. Th...
Yglesias sums it up
Posted by Unknown | 9:42 AM
Matt Yglesias gets what for me might as well be the last word on the "New Narrative": [I]t seems to me that the Republicans were ...
Oh yeah? Well you like ICE CREAM! :P
Posted by Unknown | 2:39 PM
Ry wrote to notify me of this : A local California GOP women’s organization’s most recent newsletter claims that if Obama is elected, his fa...
A Bresh of Freth Air

Posted by Unknown | 8:20 PM
I actually thought this debate was a tie. Obama dodged a lot of questions and gave a lot of stale answers. He didn't respond nearly as f...
Posted by Unknown | 4:59 PM
The two biggest Republican talking points on the air right now are A) the "New Narrative", and B) the idea that ACORN is committin...
New Narration
Posted by Unknown | 8:25 AM
Given our continuing economic troubles, it's no surprise that the "New Narrative" (that the crisis was caused by stupid minori...
Noah Smith, chief advisor to the McCain campaign
Posted by Unknown | 6:21 PM
Interesting fact: the McCain economic plan for government purchase of mortgages was suggested by me on 9/26. Of course, that was when the ...
Fresh-breaking news from my swivel-chair
Posted by Unknown | 8:27 AM
The McCain campaign appears to have undergone a fundamental shift. It seems the campaign is no longer about winning, it's about looking ...
Semper ubi sub ubi
Posted by Unknown | 7:28 PM
Maureen Dowd asserts that America is following in the downward footsteps of the Roman Empire . The writing may be silly, but the thesis is a...
Awwwwww yeah
Posted by Unknown | 5:15 AM
Paul Krugman just won the Nobel Prize in economics . Yes, that Paul Krugman. Now, he won it for his theory of "economic geography,...
Investment - an economic paradigm for liberals
Posted by Unknown | 9:11 PM
Liberals need an economic philosophy other than "take money from the rich and give it to the poor." We used to have a great one: i...
Talent Diversion
Posted by Unknown | 8:39 PM
A couple years ago, a friend of mine complained that the finance industry was sucking up way too much of our top talent. Instead of a lonely...
Race and the race, cont.

Posted by Unknown | 7:31 AM
We usually think of "race" in politics as being a black-white thing, maybe with Hispanics thrown in there kinda-sorta. But this ne...
Good for John McCain
Posted by Unknown | 5:03 PM
If Sarah Palin's speeches are any indicator, the McCain campaign has decided to go all-out with the "Obama is a scary outsider...
Race and the race, cont.
Posted by Unknown | 8:07 AM
Here's some more excerpts from that same George Packer article on Ohio swing voters : “I think the party-line Democrats are having a har...
Noah's conservative rant
Posted by Unknown | 6:14 PM
Ezra Klein calls George Packer's essay on Ohio swing voters " deeply moving [and] deeply sad ." The article basically ignore...
Crisis (of faith) averted
Posted by Unknown | 7:50 AM
A couple weeks ago, conservatives were having a crisis of faith. The economy was heading into free fall, and everyone was saying it was dere...
Strange moments in Nobel Prize history

Posted by Unknown | 4:47 AM
You may have heard of Richard Feynman, the physicist/prankster who played bongos, wrote a guide on how to pick up women, cracked the safe co...
White power on the march

Posted by Unknown | 8:47 AM
When I first heard that McCain's new campaign strategy was to "go negative," I said to myself: "OK, so McCain is going to...
I were stupid
Posted by Unknown | 3:16 PM
I've been going around saying that Obama needs Ohio, Virginia, or Florida, to win - that just getting Colorado would be enough. Turns ou...
The Bush Boom

Posted by Unknown | 11:50 AM
If eight years ago you had all your money in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (the safest and lowest-cost mutual fund there is) on the day George...
John McCain IS 1980s action cinema
Posted by Unknown | 11:39 AM
Not only is John McCain's name just one consonant away from "John McClane" of the Die Hard movies, but now FP Passport brings...
Good writing outsourced
Posted by Unknown | 11:31 AM
I'm outsourcing all my opinions for the day to Francis Fukuyama, who has written an excellent summary of where we are as a nation . If y...
Posted by Unknown | 8:33 AM
At a convention this weekend, I remarked on how unusual it is these days to find a politically conservative economist ("Yeah," my ...