
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The two biggest Republican talking points on the air right now are A) the "New Narrative", and B) the idea that ACORN is committing massive voter fraud.

Now think about this: John McCain's new mortgage plan would directly help exactly the same unqualified borrowers that the Republicans are saying Democrats funneled money to! If the "New Narrative" is true, and a Democratic-controlled Fannie and Freddie handed out mortgages to all the wrong homebuyers, then why is McCain now offering those same homebuyers $300 BILLION of taxpayer money?...Hello?

On to ACORN. This organization was founded in 1970 - thirty-eight years ago. It has been involved in voter-registration drives since 2004. And only in the last week have Republicans become concerned about the possibility of massive ACORN voter-registration fraud. You'd think, if this were a big problem, they would have noticed it, say, a month ago. But I guess that was before the Bill Ayers talking point flopped.

19 days to Election Day. Anyone want to take bets on how many more inane talking points, plans, attacks, and stunts the McFlail Campaign is going to inflict on us in those 19 days?


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