McCain's final turd fling

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As John McCain teeters, tumbles, and falls into the abyss of political irrelevance, he reaches out to fling one last turd at the reality-based community. McCain's final argument against Obama:

Progressive income taxation is communism.

Really! That's really the argument! Tax brackets = Marxism. Barbara West, a conservative talking head, said exactly that to Joe Biden on TV. McCain's closing-week stump speech hasn't been quite as looney, but it blasts Obama's support for progressive income taxation as "redistributionist." Yes, you heard right - in the final week of the campaign, McCain has decided that the graduated income tax is communist and must be destroyed at all costs.

So, McCain just figured out right now that our main form of taxation is Marxism? The tax has been around since 1913 - we amended the Constitution to allow it - and one week out from election day it's suddenly the Red Menace?

But what else do the Republicans have? They've lost all credibility on the economy, foreign policy, and social issues. The only thing they have left is stale anti-Communist echoes, offers to cut taxes, and saying "liberal" as if its a bad word.

And racism.

And cutting backwards letters into their own faces.



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