The Bush Boom

Monday, October 6, 2008

If eight years ago you had all your money in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (the safest and lowest-cost mutual fund there is) on the day George Bush was inaugurated as President of the United States, then by now you would have lost 30% of all your savings. Adjusting for inflation, you'd have lost a lot more.

Of course, we all know that Republicans are good for businesses and good for the economy, because they cut taxes and cut regulation. And since Bush did more of those things than any president in history, then of course we know that Bush helped the economy more than any president in history. So this nearly unprecedented collapse must not be his fault. It must be the fault of liberals somewhere (commie tax-and-spend pinkos who hate the idea of anyone getting rich!). Or it must be caused by events totally beyond anyone's control. In fact, if Bush hadn't had such awesome
economic policies, you can bet we'd be a lot worse off than we are now.

So take your 30% loss and be grateful, you whiners.


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