Politickal note

Posted by | 7:48 PM
Excellent editorial in the Washington Post . It notes that Bush is a decent campaigner but very poor at running the government. That Bush i...

The Future of Liberalism - Post 2

Posted by | 10:04 PM
At a time when the entire press is predictably focused like a...focused beam of light...on the Scandals of Bush the Younger , I would like t...

Pessimism and fear are good for you!

Posted by | 8:39 AM
Check out this article about Japanese attitudes for the future. The "hopeful" of the men surveyed think that, 10 years from now, ...

Mmm, executive pay package...

Posted by | 8:08 AM
Here's an interesting story about how Wal-Mart changed gradually from a gritty small-town operation with a nuts-and-bolts manager who d...

The Future of Liberalism - Post 1

Posted by | 6:21 AM
This is the first in a series of big posts (wheee!) that I'm going to be writing about the future of liberalism, my main topic of inte...

Lightning-quick reading guide

Posted by | 11:18 AM
Oh yeah, it's lightning-quick! 1. Decent article on Republican fiscal irresponsibility Moral: Republicans don't really want "sm...

Reading guide: two good stories

Posted by | 9:35 PM
First up today we have this piece in the Washington Post , which makes the important point that Congressional redistricting since the 2000 ...

Business vs. BS

Posted by | 4:33 AM
Check out this article by Eleanor Clift. As I predicted , business conservatives - people whose main value is economic growth and efficienc...

Feminism and Sexual Equality

Posted by | 3:04 AM
Jessica at feministing.com has this to say about this recent speech by Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield. Because my Rule #1 is "Con...

Dept. of beating dead horses

Posted by | 8:10 PM
Sorry for yet another post on "intelligent design," but this New York Times story is too good to pass up. In the story, we learn ...

Um...told you so.

Posted by | 6:51 AM
As I've noted before , the conservative movement put all its eggs in one basket when it decided to back only the Republican party foreve...

Up with materialism

Posted by | 5:57 AM
This article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press details the agenda of the Discovery Institute , the main group behind the push to teach the &quo...

Breaking the law is illegal

Posted by | 12:00 AM
In this article from The Weekly Standard (a.k.a. the "If we spend all our time explaining why everything the Bush administration does i...

Millions more what?

Posted by | 10:08 PM
Making headlines recently is the Millions More Movement , a march on Washington healdined by Louis Farrakhan, and sequel to the Million Man ...

It's refreshing to have smart bad guys around.

Posted by | 8:55 AM
The past century featured a gaggle of not-too-bright bad guys. The Nazis and other fascists bit off more than they could chew militarily, an...


Posted by | 9:23 PM
This piece about Bush's cronyism is interesting. It notes the difference between cabinet posts and the Supreme Court: [A] seat on the ...

Democratic weakness? Not so fast...

Posted by | 1:43 AM
It's 4 pages long, but I recommend reading this Michael Barone column about the weakness of the Democratic Party. The main portion of th...

1000 words...

Posted by | 4:17 AM
Check out this cartoon . Somtimes I just have nothing to add.

America's most urgent problem

Posted by | 9:59 PM
Read this article by Fareed Zakaria. He's absolutely right. 111% right. Couldn't be righter. His basic idea is paranoid U.S. visa re...

A haze over the rising sun

Posted by | 9:18 PM
Decent survey in The Economist this week about Japan's current recovery and prospects for its future. But the survey could have been a...

Racial Baggage, Part 2

Posted by | 7:52 AM
Big thanks to J. at Silver Rights for taking the time to read my blog and respond to my post about " Racial Baggage " with this po...

The future of the Democratic Party...?

Posted by | 6:37 AM
Barack Obama , senator from Illinois and rising youg democratic star, posted this very interesting piece on several blogs about the future o...

Forget the hearts...concentrate on the minds.

Posted by | 1:37 AM
This piece in The New Republic details Karen Hughes' pathetic failed attempts to win the support of Muslim women by talking to them ab...

The Japanese standard line

Posted by | 10:54 AM
For a break from American politics, let's talk about Japanese politics. In this article in the Economist , the author notes that: Money ...

Racial baggage and unfinished business

Posted by | 7:04 AM
In this Washington Post editorial , Eugene Robinson takes Bill Bennett to task for his statements about race, crime, and abortion. If you wa...

Macabre thought of the day: racism vs. theocracy

Posted by | 1:19 AM
Thinking about the Bill Bennett controversy ... Have die-hard conservatives realized that the abortion rate for black people in America is a...

Politicks, politicks

Posted by | 8:04 PM
Check out this piece from the Weekly Standard. Bill Kristol, editor of the "neocon bible," thinks Bush is abandoning the conserva...

Of Kos they do...

Posted by | 11:10 AM
Check out this post on the Daily Kos . Usually the Daily Kos spends its webspace making well-informed but unscientific predictions about the...

It's racist...but is it true?

Posted by | 10:58 AM
If you haven't heard about the Bill Bennett controversy , here's a short summary: Bill Bennett, claiming that positive social side e...

The semi-intelligent designers of Intelligent Design

Posted by | 6:27 AM
Concerning the current intelligent design controversy: Background: Intelligent design's main argument is that the development of certain...