America's most urgent problem

Monday, October 10, 2005

Read this article by Fareed Zakaria. He's absolutely right. 111% right. Couldn't be righter. His basic idea is paranoid U.S. visa restrictions are keeping out a lot of brilliant scientists and engineers from other countries, and that this is hurting American technology and competitiveness.

Damn. This is serious. I've been reading about this for a while but I didn't realize how serious it was. Immigrants have served as this country's labor force, grown our population, and started countless businesses, and now they're driving our technological progress. If we keep them out of science and engineering, we're taking away America's basic advantage over all other countries - our ability to absorb and use the entire world's potential.

If we keep these visa restrictions, we're shooting ourselves in the foot. If we don't want to see America decline, we had better lift those restrictions right now. Today. Yesterday, even.


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