Scary bear

Posted by | 11:23 PM
Matt Yglesias writes : [C]ompare attitudes toward Putin's illiberalism to attitudes toward friendlier petro-states like Saudi Arabia, Qa...

Injustice anywhere

Posted by | 5:19 PM
In Slate , Anne Applebaum tries to explain why there are so few Western feminists campaigning against the horrific repression of women in S...

The math of abstinence education

Posted by | 1:41 PM
I'm pretty happy to see that more and more states are refusing federal money for "abstinence only" education . All the evidenc...

Palestinian armchair quarterbacking

Posted by | 10:33 AM
Ahmed Samih Khalidi writes in the Guardian that a Palestinian state would be bad for Palestinians : Today, the Palestinian state is largely...

No, YOUR religion sucks

Posted by | 11:03 AM
Mike Huckabee, a Baptist minister, is about to release an article in the New York Times magazine asking "Don't Mormons believe tha...

Michael Jordan disses the NBA

Posted by | 7:07 AM
I was pretty shocked this morning to wake up and read that Paul Samuelson is no longer a free trader . For those who don't know, Paul Sa...

12 years from now

Posted by | 10:23 PM
From an international survey conducted by a German research organization: More and more people in China and other leading countries expect ...

Oh look, a Republican whining about diversity

Posted by | 7:06 PM
In the Washington Post , Robert Maranto laments the lack of conservatives in academia . This is a common lament among Republicans, who sudde...

Yew got it

Posted by | 5:55 PM
Writing in Forbes , Singaporean elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew - possibly Asia's most respected modern leader - explains why nations fear ...

Wanted: Better atheist PR

Posted by | 4:26 PM
Most reviews of the movie The Golden Compass have come in negative . The movie is an adaptation of the first book in Philip Pullman's fa...

On second thought, soak the poor...

Posted by | 5:48 PM
Looks like I was wrong about the Bush subprime mortgage bailout plan helping the por at the expense of the rich. Looks like it actually won&...

Chinese historical supremacy debunked

Posted by | 12:49 PM
A fairly anodyne Financial Times editorial about racism contains this little aside: Chinese long pre-dated European civilisation. From this...


Posted by | 2:17 PM
File these two under "intellectually dishonest": 1. Tom Friedman writes that "none of the leading presidential candidates ha...

But everybody else likes them

Posted by | 9:53 AM
Carrie Brownstein, a former rocker (of Sleater-Kinney) and current writer and NPR contributor, writes that Radiohead just leaves her cold . ...

Onward Muslim soldiers

Posted by | 9:04 PM
Matt Yglesias takes up the question of whether Islam is in the middle of, or possibly about to have, its own Reformation. I usually think s...

Soak the rich!

Posted by | 1:18 PM
There's a Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the U.S. economy - a huge number of adjustable-rate mortgages are about to reset f...

Pax Americana RIP

Posted by | 10:25 AM
Jonah Goldberg, who has somehow gotten a writing job with the L.A. Times , writes that America is not an empire, it just leads the free worl...

Race and Intelligence, Parts 2 through 1,000,000

Posted by | 4:55 PM
And just when we thought the whole "race and intelligence" thing was dying down, here comes Slate 's William Saletan with a hu...

This is only the beginning

Posted by | 1:07 PM
Some people will read about how researchers have made stem cells out of skin cells , and conclude that the effort of theocratic conservative...

We don't do nation-building

Posted by | 8:25 AM
As I read this article about American's declining reading habits , I had a thought. The article points out that: Sixty-one percent of t...

Who coddles dictators?

Posted by | 1:17 PM
After reading an article on China's support for Iran , I tried to think of all the dictatorships whose regimes enjoy significant politic...

Will abstain for $$$

Posted by | 12:54 PM
An interesting survey finds that most NYU students would give up their right to vote for one year for a year's worth of free tuition. A...

Diamonds or Pearls

Posted by | 12:52 PM
As it's actually getting somewhat close to the primary season, and since I now actually own a TV, I've started watching the Democrat...

Slavery vs. Santa Claus

Posted by | 1:38 PM
A pretty textbook Econ 101 defense of free trade appears in this week's Foreign Policy magazine (usually a forum for more original, subt...

One can't live as cheap as two

Posted by | 9:57 AM
A new report reveals that about half of black people born to middle-class families in 1960 grew up to be poor, despite the fact that averag...

Economic thought of the day

Posted by | 7:48 AM
This is in response to an article my sister emailed me about the economic side of the immigration debate. The article is more than a year o...

The strong horse

Posted by | 8:53 AM
Why haven't we condemned Pervez Musharraf's brutal destruction of Pakistani democracy and civil society? Conventional wisdom is th...


Posted by | 11:13 AM
FP Passport points out what some others had already realized - Rudy Giuliani's "weakness" as regards the Religious Right is ...

Do unto others

Posted by | 6:11 PM
Interesting article about waterboarding in the WaPo today. Did you know that we convicted Japanese war criminals after WW2 for waterboardin...

Article of the day

Posted by | 9:11 AM
Sigh. It occurs to me that the current political struggle is less of a fight over policy than a clash between two very different visions of ...

Hillary Clinton is electable, Part 3

Posted by | 10:39 AM
From : More than half of white evangelical Republicans would consider voting for a conservative third-party candidate should the 2...


Posted by | 10:18 AM
Robert Samuelson reviews Gordon Clark's "A Farewell to Alms," and I guess it's a favorable review, since Samuelson summar...