Hillary Clinton is electable, Part 3

Thursday, November 1, 2007

From MSNBC.com:
More than half of white evangelical Republicans would consider voting for a conservative third-party candidate should the 2008 presidential race have Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton against Republican Rudy Giuliani, a poll said.
The main reason some people think Hillary Clinton is not electable is that conservatives hate her so much that she'll "energize and unite the Republican base." But this poll shows that white evangelical Republicans - basically, THE Base - don't even hate Hillary enough to say they'd vote for Rudy Giuliani (the strongest Republican candidate). One Hillary objection, out the window.

There's two lessons here, I think. One is the old political truth that people don't vote for what they perceive to be as the lesser of two evils. The second is that the idea of Hillary Clinton as this bogeyman who'll turn conservatives into the ravening anger-zombies from 28 Days Later is basically full of it.

If Democrats want to criticize Hillary, they should stick to criticizing her hawkish foreign policy. That, at least, is a criticism that rings true.


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