Why is America Teh Awesome?

Posted by | 6:53 PM
David Brooks writes : Why did the United States become the leading economic power of the 20th century? The best short answer is that a feroc...

The New Liberal Economics

Posted by | 6:40 PM
Harold Meyerson writes that liberals are finally inching closer to a consensus on economic issues: If there's one thing to which the w...

Where we stand

Posted by | 8:18 PM
The political consensus is apparently that Obama will utterly crush McCain, unless people vote against Obama because he's black. And I&...

We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee

Posted by | 8:36 PM
Very interesting discussion this week at TPMCafe Book Club (and if you read that and didn't immediately click to another page, I commen...

The fundamental misconception of American politics

Posted by | 8:01 PM
This cartoon, taken from an Economist story , illustrates what I call "the fundamental misconception of American politics." This i...

New Urbanism Watch: lawn sharing!

Posted by | 11:43 AM
Great post by Matt Yglesias , who is rapidly turning into one of the blogosphere's biggest proponents of the New Urbanism. For the unini...

So much for catching flies with honey

Posted by | 4:55 PM
Famous economist and blogger Brad DeLong has long held that getting on China's good side is Job #1 for the U.S. Earlier this year he wro...

Jews: Obama > Lieberman

Posted by | 1:01 PM
The dark mutterings I've heard from a few Jewish voters about how Obama doesn't hate Iran enough "doesn't have enough fore...

The Conservative Media

Posted by | 9:25 AM
Clive Crook, British politics-and-economics blogger, writes : Mr McCain has to contend with the US media’s increasingly shameless bias in fa...

Furniture-building Democrats vs. furniture-burning Republicans...

Posted by | 3:34 PM
From an email I wrote to a friend: I generally like Obama's economic policy. It's very production-oriented (which makes sense, since...

Yay for China! (not)

Posted by | 10:25 PM
From a WaPo article : With the [Olympic] Games three weeks away, the precautions already have proved so sweeping that some observers questio...

Know your Obama hater code

Posted by | 2:09 PM
I have never heard anyone say they support John McCain. I have heard very few people say they actively oppose Obama. What I have heard is qu...

Environmentalists cause global warming

Posted by | 9:58 AM
Apparently the Right's new line of attack on climate change is this: Yes, we need to do something about it, and we could if environmenta...

Did unions kill GM and Ford?

Posted by | 8:02 PM
A common theme among defenders of auto unions is that bad management decisions, not union pressure, made GM and Ford uncompetitive. Chief am...

Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae

Posted by | 6:57 PM
Or is it the other way around? :-) Anyway, someone asked me to do a post on the GSEs (government-sponsored enterprises), whose stocks have t...

Did Clinton sabotage liberalism?

Posted by | 3:17 PM
Ezra Klein contributes to the " Clinton was bad after all " strand of liberal revisionism, suggesting that "by adapting to a ...

Whose side are we on, anyway?

Posted by | 10:26 PM
Ezra Klein foresees conservatives trying to preserve their faltering movement by starting a new Cold War - this time with China. [T]he case...

"Neither 'bubble' nor 'China', but a 'China bubble'"

Posted by | 9:44 AM
Daniel Gros, writing in the Financial Times, explains why oil prices are high : W hat is behind the ever-increasing price of crude oil? Most...

Budget balacing - the reality

Posted by | 9:41 AM
Matt Yglesias sums up a recent multi-think-tank study on balancing the budget . The proposals in the plan re pretty reasonable. But, as Ygle...

China and the Rule of 70

Posted by | 11:30 PM
A new report by Albert Keidel predicts that China's economy will be as large as America's in 2035, and twice as large in 2050. That...

The Ice-Grill

Posted by | 1:42 PM
Ta-Nehisi Coates writes : [T]he idea that D.C. could feel like Murderland is mind-boggling to me...as anyone whose spent some time in the ci...

"The" Clash of Civilizations?

Posted by | 8:40 AM
In 1993, Samuel Huntington claimed that, with the Cold War over, the main fault lines in he world would be between religious/racial blocs, o...

The New Urbanism

Posted by | 7:55 AM
For many liberals of my generation, the New Urbanism is in. Some of us grew up in Southern and Western towns that were basically strip-malls...

Jewish-Americans and divided loyalties

Posted by | 8:26 AM
Legend has it that when George W. Bush asked his father what a neocon was, the elder Bush answered "One word: Israel." Many Americ...

Posted by | 9:51 AM
This is the Chevy Avalanche. As you can see, it's a pickup truck whose cab is so extended that the bed is too small to be of any practic...

Yay for $4 gas

Posted by | 9:59 AM
One of my favorite articles in recent memory is this Time piece called " 10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas ." The list is: 1. Ma...

We want our bandaid!

Posted by | 8:18 AM
Apparently, Americans aren't very worried about the caribou any more; Republican arguments for expanded drilling in Alaska are beginning...

The writing on the wall

Posted by | 7:18 PM
For all those who believe that China will keep growing at its current breakneck pace for the next 40 years, take a look at this report , whi...