We want our bandaid!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Apparently, Americans aren't very worried about the caribou any more; Republican arguments for expanded drilling in Alaska are beginning to win over the American public. I say, go ahead and do it. When people see that Alaska (and offshore) drilling has zero effect on oil prices, they'll begin to see the truth, which is that alternative energy is really our only hope.

But the same poll that found decreased concern for the Alaskan environment also discovered this more troubling phenomenon:

Among the survey's most astounding findings is the dramatic increase in a span of five months in the support for energy exploration and production among groups that have traditionally championed conservation as being the answer to the country's energy problems.

For example, the percentage of liberals who said expanding energy exploration was their most important priority doubled from 22 percent in February to 45 percent; increased by 19 points to 50 percent among independents; and by 18 points to 46 percent among women.

Young people, who in the past have overwhelmingly leaned toward conservation, saw the most dramatic shift. Just over half of the people from 18 to 29 years of age saw expanding energy exploration more important, double the number in February.

Hopefully people are interpreting "energy exploration" to include development of alternative energy. But I think lots of people have been won over by conservatives' insistence that there is a bunch of oil out there, and if we just drill for it prices will come back down.

Sadly, there is not a bunch of oil out there. There's a little bit, but drilling it won't substantially impact the world supply. Drilling it will make oil companies a fat buck. And repeating "all we need to do is drill," while sickeningly dishonest, is obviously the conservatives' best and only chance to come out ahead on the gas price issue.

So thanks to the strength of the "just drill" message, Exxon will get a big bonus, Americans will be stuck with $4+ gas, and alternative energy will be ignored again. Oh yeah, and the caribou will be screwed as well. Thanks, conservatives!


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