
Posted by | 6:57 PM
Noahpinion will be away until Thursday the 4th.

Obama speech

Posted by | 10:37 AM
Obama's speech was awesome. He actually said everything I wanted to hear, and more. When he said "Not Red America, not Blue Americ...

Things I think Obama should say in his speech

Posted by | 2:29 PM
If I were Obama's speechwriter, I would make sure to include some variant of these themes: * "Republican foreign policy has wrecked...

The role of government

Posted by | 9:12 AM
I've often joined the mainstream chorus calling for Obama to put forth his philosophy (not that they noticed me joining, of course). Her...

What voters want from Obama

Posted by | 1:53 PM
Matt Yglesias writes : Joe Klein visited a focus group : “Change” as a theme is over. Too vague. And Obama’s rhetoric has begun to seriousl...

At last, an econ post

Posted by | 7:45 PM
Some people have been complaining that U.S. corporate taxes are too high , and are driving investment to other developed countries that have...

Holbrooke holds forth

Posted by | 12:24 PM
During my freshman year of college, I had the opportunity to go to dinner with Richard Holbrooke, one of the Clinton Administration's fo...

Identity vs. actions

Posted by | 8:06 AM
Ezra Klein on the Biden pick : If vice-presidential picks are a reflection of a campaign's conclusion midway through the general electio...


Posted by | 7:37 AM
In the 1990s, political scientist Francis Fukuyama famously proclaimed "the end of history," meaning that capitalism and liberal d...

Hanging separately

Posted by | 12:22 PM
Jamie Metzl of the Miami Herald writes what a lot of us have been thinking: A ug. 8, 2008, may someday be remembered as the first day of t...

So much for us being a Christian nation

Posted by | 6:31 PM
I just found out about the Treaty of Tripoli , unanimously approved and ratified by the Senate in 1797, which ended the war between the U.S....


Posted by | 7:57 PM
Wow. I was all geared up to write a post called "The Real China Threat," in which I explained that the threat from China wasn'...

Liberal tolerance

Posted by | 2:53 PM
Since the Clinton years, moderates in the Democratic party have coalesced around the idea of "fiscal conservatism with social liberalis...

Swing state report

Posted by | 3:11 PM
Just to follow up on my last post, here are the trends in the swing state polls, courtesy of RealClearPolitics : Ohio : Obama's modest ...


Posted by | 9:02 AM
Nicholas Beaudrot has a map that shows which states have shifted Republican and which have shifted Democratic since 2004. This is computed ...

Bill Clinton = tough. George W. Bush = not tough.

Posted by | 11:14 AM
I've been asked to defend my assertion that Bill Clinton "built up American power." Since Clinton shrank the military substant...

Sex and Nerds

Posted by | 10:48 AM
Matt Yglesias flags this ridiculous ad campaign: Via the Poor Man Institute, the latest in abstinence advocacy: If anything, characterizi...

Teddy Roosevelt he ain't

Posted by | 8:14 PM
For a long time now, I've been wanting to say something like this: Back in the days of Teddy Roosevelt, American toughness means speakin...

Biodegradable balloons

Posted by | 4:43 PM
A friend asked me to write a post on the subject of biodegradable balloons. I have to be honest: I support biodegradable balloons. Imagine t...

Affirmative action, again

Posted by | 3:06 PM
Matt Yglesias writes : In his Washington Post column, Peter Beinart urges Barack Obama to urge the country why he thinks it will pay divid...

Decline blogging

Posted by | 11:56 AM
In a somewhat poorly-written column in the Financial Times, Byron Wien argues that the U.S. is in an irreversible decline : In 1945, the US ...

If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin

Posted by | 9:45 AM
The faking of the Olympic opening ceremony fireworks and China's use of underage gymnasts both give me a nice opportunity to poke fun ...

Lifestyle issues

Posted by | 5:50 AM
Krugman relates a piece of Republican rhetoric: [T]he Democrats, as [Republican] Representative Michele Bachmann assures us, “want American...

Big Oil is dying

Posted by | 10:42 AM
When Exxon announced record profits last month, it seemed o many that Big Oil had gained unprecedented power and wealth. Maybe that's t...

The Russo-Georgia War

Posted by | 1:29 PM
WAR !!! ...sorry, I just always wanted to write that. Anyway, brief story: Ossetia (rhymes with "getcha") is a region in the Cauca...

Affirmative action and "white resentment"

Posted by | 8:49 AM
Publius at Obsidian Wings writes : [W]e need to address our more complex world where the structural legacies of racism are arguably a bigger...

Oh. My. God.

Posted by | 4:20 PM
The reporters report : With four days left before the start of the 2008 Summer Games, Chinese officials have not lived up to key promises th...

What kind of government?

Posted by | 10:47 AM
Greg Anrig has a long, fairly good column in the Washington Post today, offering a pretty solid explanation of why McCain's campaign ha...

Domestic drilling - appease the base, or grab the center?

Posted by | 7:47 AM
Everyone (except possibly John McCain) knows that domestic offshore drilling will not substantially reduce either the price of oil or the p...

GM and the unions, again

Posted by | 7:47 AM
Matt Yglesias writes that management, not the union, is ultimately to blame for spiraling health care costs: GM could have struck a differe...