American aggression

Posted by | 7:01 AM
The L.A.Times reports that Americans are responding to high gas prices by switching to smaller engines, but not necessarily to smaller cars...

Brand or tribe?

Posted by | 10:52 AM
Ezra Klein flags a great article by Republican pollster Josh Kahn. When pollsters ask voters whether they prefer the Democratic or Republi...

Trade vs. Free Trade

Posted by | 9:21 AM
If you're interested in the question of whether free trade is good for a country, but don't have an economics background, check out ...

Regional realignment?

Posted by | 10:33 AM
Matt Yglesias recently posted this election map from 1976 (note: Dems are red and GOP is blue, as was traditional before the late 90s). As ...


Posted by | 3:32 PM
Writing at TPMCafe, self-professed libertarian and Cato employee Brink Lindsey says that libertarians would be glad to ally with liberals i...

Two inequalities

Posted by | 9:51 AM
Ezra Klein argues that America's income inequality is the result of fat-cat profits, not differences in education or skills. Matt Ygles...

Nuff said

Posted by | 8:23 AM
If you get a chance - or even if you don't - you really should read this article on " The Fall Of Conservatism ." It's the...

The hero effect

Posted by | 10:56 AM
Every time we see Harrison Ford almost get shot, or fall off a cliff, or run over by a tank, we think "Oh no, this time he really could...

No limits to growth

Posted by | 1:24 PM
I just read this article at about peak oil. The article tells the tragic story of how oil companies long tried to suppre...

The collapse of empires

Posted by | 9:36 AM
In the Washington Post, Kevin Phillips sees parallels between America's current situation and the collapse of the empires of Spain, Hol...

The Wages of Suck

Posted by | 10:02 PM
Republican pollster and consultant Frank Luntz thinks the Republicans are in for a drubbing akin to that received by the Dems in '94: &...


Posted by | 11:33 AM
It might be a bunch of hype, but GM says it's going to "dramatically" shift its focus away from big trucks and SUVs toward fu...

Articles of the day

Posted by | 2:17 PM
Here's a disturbing article in the Washington Post about the increasing volume of anti-black racism being directed at the Obama campaig...

A conservative Nader?

Posted by | 2:29 PM
Bob Barr, declaring that McCain isn't a "true conservative," has declared his intention to run as a Libertarian . Could he be ...

The War on Science

Posted by | 11:20 AM
Michael Gerson, noted Bush speechwriter, neoconservative, and staunch Evangelical, writes in the Washington Post that the Republicans are n...

President McCain

Posted by | 7:48 PM
Call me a Gloomy Gus, but these North Carolina results - supposedly a big win for Obama - to me spell near-certain doom for the Democrats. ...

What's the difference between a light bulb and the American manufacturing worker?

Posted by | 12:48 PM
If you think globalization hurts many workers in rich countries, you're not alone - just read this excellent column by Larry Summers. A...

Peace in our time

Posted by | 11:29 AM
At TPMCafe, Fareed Zakaria claims that our world has never been as peaceful as it is now, and that our list of threats is mainly exaggerate...


Posted by | 5:07 PM
I sometimes get deja vu reading Matt Yglesias' blog, and then I remember it's because I also read Ezra Klein. For example, Klein pos...

Jeremiah Wright, armchair quarterback

Posted by | 12:38 PM
Reading an Economist piece on Jeremiah Wright , this bit caught my eye: [At his] appearance at the National Press Club on April 28th...[Wri...

China-bash of the week

Posted by | 11:20 PM
Here's a post from WaPo blogger James Pomfret about how China's image, carefully polished for the last decade, is slipping away to ...