A conservative Nader?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bob Barr, declaring that McCain isn't a "true conservative," has declared his intention to run as a Libertarian.

Could he be a Republican Nader, splitting the right-wing vote and throwing the election even more to Obama? I'm hopeful. I feel like voters are more likely to split from their party when that party is in a weak position ("You didn't beat us, we beat ourselves!"), and the Republicans are looking pretty weak right now. The downside of a split conservative vote, of course, is that it preserves the illusion that America is a majority-conservative country. But when it comes to an Obama victory, I'll take it any way I can get it.

Barr's run is also good because it will expose conservatives to the stark fact that their movement, and their party, hasn't been the party of fiscal responsibility for some time now (if it ever was, which I doubt). They've been a party of nation-wreckers, not nation-builders, for decades - all too willing to lavish government money on their supporters and then lambast Democrats for raising taxes to pick up the pieces. If a Bob Barr spoiler candidacy - Ron Paul without the nuttiness? - forces some Republicans to get serious about the deficit, all the better.

Or, it could just turn out to be nothing.


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