Blog post of the year

Posted by | 4:58 PM
I was going to re-post it, but I'll just link to it . Read it. It's the most interesting blog post I've read...uh...possibly ever.

This article is so annoying I can't think of a sardonic blog post title

Posted by | 9:27 AM
Roger Cohen in the NYT : The world exists in what Paul Saffo, a forecaster at Stanford University, calls “punctuated equilibrium.” Every now...

Mr. Noah's prison reform proposal

Posted by | 9:16 AM
Ezra Klein has a blog post about the horrors of prison rape, and suggests we "move towards a system dedicated to preemption and rehabi...

Something to keep you up at night

Posted by | 9:44 PM
The financial crisis. The Iraq war. Global warming. These are things that might keep you up at night. But they don't really represent im...

Hurricane Jihad

Posted by | 8:49 AM
Ezra Klein writes : This really seems to be the difference between liberals and neoconservatives on foreign policy, doesn't it? Neocons...

The most important thing we can do for our economy...

Posted by | 8:50 PM, I predict, to approve the National Infrastructure Bank being sponsored by Chris Dodd and Chuck Hagel. Commission on Public Infrastru...

I hate the Democratic primary campaign, Post #1,000,000,000

Posted by | 3:44 PM
I'm sitting here watching MSNBC, by far the most liberal of the cable news networks, and I'm watching a panel about how the eternal ...

Right is the opposte of wrong

Posted by | 8:34 AM
Megan McArdle, a conservative blogger whom Brad DeLong has nominated for "stupidest woman alive," makes a list of the things she ...

Obama race speech, Post 2

Posted by | 9:34 AM
Obama's "race speech" was good. Very good. So good that even Charles Murray, writer of The Bell Curve , said Obama "talk...

We must not anger our Chinese overlords business partners!

Posted by | 9:40 AM
William Pesek writes in Bloomberg: Why aren't Westerners so quick to celebrate Kosovo's independence championing Tibet's cause ...

Obama race speech, Post 1

Posted by | 6:01 PM
I thought this was a great speech - by far the best of the campaign so far, and the best I've heard in years - so I think I'll write...

Economics post!!

Posted by | 6:01 PM
It was requested that I do a post about the tanking economy, and so here goes. Please God, don't let my professors be reading my blog. I...

Democratic doom, cont.

Posted by | 6:07 AM
The Democratic infighting situation just isn't improving. A year ago it looked like it was the Republicans who were due for an ideologic...

A giant among geeks

Posted by | 11:03 AM
Gary Gygax, inventor of Dungeons and Dragons, died last week . But the idea he created will live on - in traditional role-playing games, but...

Let them eat GDP

Posted by | 10:40 AM
The Economist points out that GDP per person is a better way of measuring a nation's economic well-being than simple GDP. Rightly so. ...

The Prostitution Solution

Posted by | 6:25 PM
The outing of Eliot Spitzer's hooker-buying caused me to take another look at an issue that's always puzzled and frustrated me in t...

Brad DeLong hails our new Chinese overlords

Posted by | 12:38 PM
In a post about trade issues, star economist and sage-of-the-blogosphere Brad DeLong segues once again onto one of his favorite topics: the ...

From bad to worse

Posted by | 8:41 PM
I am getting so sick and disgusted of this Democratic primary race. One reason is this : 20% of Democratic primary voters said that "ra...

Tough Cookies

Posted by | 11:03 AM
Yglesias takes a look at the same Pew Poll I looked at , and thinks it's great news for Obama . His reasoning: [The results] don't, ...

Attack of the useless people

Posted by | 2:43 PM
Recently, a friend of mine raised the possibility that to many smart Americans are going into finance instead of more "productive"...