From bad to worse

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I am getting so sick and disgusted of this Democratic primary race.

One reason is this: 20% of Democratic primary voters said that "race was very important" in their voting decision. They broke 57-43 for Clinton.

Another reason is this: In order to compete for the nomination, Clinton will have to insist that Michigan and Florida delegates be counted, potentially dividing the entire Democratic party into a rancorous fight that no one except the Republicans will win.

Another reason is this: While Obama and Clinton are locked in their vicious death spiral, McCain is getting a bye; he gets to raise money, raise his profile, get softball media stories about him, and get endorsements.

What do these things mean? They mean that John McCain is going to be our next president. Well, dedicated Obamamaniacs and die-hard Clintonites, I hope you're happy. If we get four more years of war, fiscal suicide, arrogant foreign policy, torture, surveillance, and culture wars, at least part of the blame will be on your heads.


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