I hate the Democratic primary campaign, Post #1,000,000,000

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm sitting here watching MSNBC, by far the most liberal of the cable news networks, and I'm watching a panel about how the eternal Democratic primary race is basically killing the Democrats. And at the same time I'm reading Ezra Klein's latest pessimistic blog post on the subject:
If you want evidence that the Democratic primary is becoming cancerous for the party, look no further than today's Gallup poll showing the number of Democrats who say they will cross over for McCain if their favoredclintonvobama.jpg candidate isn't nominated: [Voters are] hearing nothing about John McCain's staggeringly regressive tax cuts, his plans for a 100-year war in Iraq, his fond desire to price health care out of their reach, the $3 trillion hole he wants to blow in the deficit, or the deep cuts he wants to make in Social Security and Medicare...The only question is how long the Democrat will have to push out that message. If the campaign goes till August, that's two months of general election campaigning -- which is next to nothing.
Leave it to the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Sigh.

Hillary Clinton could quit right now, endorse Obama, and have a decent probability of saving our country from a McCain-led disaster. Or she could carry on, getting increasingly nasty and divisive, and lose anyway, throwing the country to the Republicans in the process, all to salvage her personal pride.


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