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Appalachia rising

Break it up!
Posted by Unknown | 12:53 PM
The southern third of Somalia is a wasteland fought over by rival gangs of tribalist Islamists. The middle third, Puntland, is the base for...
Better government
Posted by Unknown | 10:51 AM
This is exactly the kind of thing we need . For decades we debated "bigger government" versus "smaller government." That...
Two to tango
Posted by Unknown | 9:32 AM
How did China help inflate the massive U.S. housing bubble ? They lent our country cheap money, so that we would use that money to buy their...
Yay public goods, yay New Urbanism
Posted by Unknown | 10:42 AM
As someone who has been banging the "public goods" drum for a couple years now, it warms my heart to see big-time bloggers like Yg...
About that yuan...
Posted by Unknown | 1:18 PM
Brad DeLong claims to be mystified as to why the recession is hitting American manufacturing especially hard: This is news to me. I had bee...
The poor, oppressed supermajority
Posted by Unknown | 9:20 AM
Richard Cohen comes out swinging against Rick Warren: He went on to say, "We can disagree without being disagreeable and then focus on...
On American royalty
Posted by Unknown | 8:17 AM
I don't have anything against Caroline Kennedy. She's an educated woman and has done fine work in the field of education reform, a...
Obamanejad kowtows before the new American Ayatollah
Posted by Unknown | 9:35 AM
OK, so the title of this post is a bit of an exaggeration. But I'm still really pissed that Obama is having Rick Warren deliver the invo...
Too much or not enough?
Posted by Unknown | 9:26 AM
Matt Yglesias has been writing a lot about unions lately, all of it positive. Today he says : It seems that Senator Blance Lincoln (D-AR) th...
And the drain that swallows it

Posted by Unknown | 5:54 AM
"The Senate is the saucer that cools the coffee in the cup of the House"- thus spake George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, to ans...
Solution: Get your own voters
Posted by Unknown | 7:40 AM
Nate Silver has a pretty awesome piece up about how Obama won the West. Essentially, he just went out and registered an army of new voters...
In the meantime....
Posted by Unknown | 12:19 PM
While Noah recuperates, I'll be taking over this blog in a brilliant coup for my own diabolical purposes filling in with Chris to make ...
Short takes
Posted by Unknown | 8:00 AM
I'm still hoping Ry and Chris will soon take over blogging so I can have a couple months to sit on the couch and go "blaaaarghhh,...
Health problems
Posted by Unknown | 9:15 PM
Noahpinion will be on hiatus for a while, due to my health problems...sorry! Check back every week or so to see if I've returned to the ...
Parting shot at the center-right
Posted by Unknown | 6:43 PM
Can you say "belated Slate" ten times fast? Rather belatedly, Slate has come out with a good article that pretty much takes apart...
One-handed economists
Posted by Unknown | 11:39 AM
Ever since I learned even a little bit about economics, I've been convinced that there was a big stinking dead body in the closet of con...
The meaning of decline
Posted by Unknown | 11:15 AM
Gideon Rachman, the Financial Times columnist, is visiting my hometown, College Station. While he's there, he's thinking long and ha...
"Conservative economics" goes the way of the giant ground sloth
Posted by Unknown | 10:02 AM
Krugman points out something about conservative economic policy recommendations. What do you when the economy is good? Cut taxes. When the ...
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair
Posted by Unknown | 6:56 AM
Here's more evidence that weak regulation played a huge role in the financial collapse. And that won't be the last such article. Bu...
The era of conservative dominance?
Posted by Unknown | 7:34 AM
A lot of people call 1968-2006 the " era of conservative dominance " in American politics. But was it? Just looking at presidentia...
The blue waxes

Posted by Unknown | 7:22 AM
Matt Yglesias points out that the Southwest, which some commentators still inexplicably refer to as a Republican bastion, is now pretty rel...
Who won the bloody war?

Posted by Unknown | 10:24 AM
Did we win the Iraq war? By 19th century standards, sure - we kicked a lot of people's asses and imposed our political will on another c...
How the West was lost (by the Republicans)

Posted by Unknown | 6:07 PM
Take a look at this electoral map from 1976: You can see that the Republican base was much different than it is today. Of course, the South ...
Whose fault was the financial crisis?
Posted by Unknown | 8:13 PM
I've always maintained that China, which lent the U.S. a ton of money way too cheaply, was a big culprit in the mega debt crisis that ju...
The Scary New World
Posted by Unknown | 6:52 AM
The Economist sounds a note of caution about Barack Obama's foreign policy. I think it's right to do so. Obama's foreign policy...
Read Fareed
Posted by Unknown | 6:46 AM
Fareed Zakaria is a decent columnist, sometimes a little behind the curve, but good at summing up the big trends in ideas and politics. Whic...
End of an era
Posted by Unknown | 9:28 AM
As of Inauguration Day, 2009, Barack Obama will arguably be the most powerful human being on the planet (though you could make a case for Hu...
Liberalism is Teh Awesome
Posted by Unknown | 6:26 AM
John Judis notes that Americans are turning liberal : If you compare Americans' attitudes from the 1970s and '80s with attitudes tod...
Conservatives have to be conservative again

Posted by Unknown | 8:28 PM
Conservatives, to be perfectly frank: y'all got nuthin'. By which I mean, you have no big ideas about how to change America for th...
More Roosevelt

Posted by Unknown | 8:42 AM
The man didn't always do the right thing, and he didn't always do the smart thing,but he certainly had a way with words: "[R]ru...

Posted by Unknown | 10:54 PM
Here is a map of which counties voted more Republican this year than in 2004 (in red): And here is a map showing the largest self-reported a...