The poor, oppressed supermajority

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Richard Cohen comes out swinging against Rick Warren:

He went on to say, "We can disagree without being disagreeable and then focus on those things that we hold in common as Americans." Sounds nice.

But what we do not "hold in common" is the dehumanization of homosexuals. What we do not hold in common is the belief that gays are perverts who have chosen their sexual orientation on some sort of whim. What we do not hold in common is the exaltation of ignorance that has led and will lead to discrimination and violence.

Finally, what we do not hold in common is the categorization of a civil rights issue -- the rights of gays to be treated equally -- as some sort of cranky cultural difference. For that we need moral leadership, which, on this occasion, Obama has failed to provide. For some people, that's nothing to celebrate.

Just a quick thought- Mike Huckabee says that gays' civil rights aren't being violated because
they're not getting their skulls cracked. Except, it turns out, that's not really true. Hate crimes against the LGBT community continue to rise.

Christians love to be victims. They feel that their religion is under attack on all fronts, from the war on Christmas to those godless heathens trying to teach science in science class. Pat Buchanan just penned a new op/ed where
he describes hate crimes against Christians. The despicable crimes being perpetrated on these poor religious folk? They include people talking and people asking for things!

As usual, they are busy at work, going to court to get Nativity scenes expunged from public squares, demanding that statues of Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus be removed from department stores and parades, checking vigilantly to see that any and all caroling at public schools is free of such outrages as "Silent Night."
Those poor Christians. That's even worse than getting your skull cracked!

Update: the Pope (head of religion approximately 1.2 billion strong) sez teh gay are like chainsaws cutting down the rainforest of humanity!


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