Posted by Unknown | 10:06 PM
I'll be out until 8/18, filming my documentary in Japan! Catch y'all on the flip side...
Home » Archives for July 2009
Out until 8/18
I'll be out until 8/18, filming my documentary in Japan! Catch y'all on the flip side...The only thing that can save us from global warming (and solve the peak oil problem and make us rich)

Posted by Unknown | 8:04 AM
A single-nation regime of carbon restrictions (cap-and-trade or carbon tax), or even a bunch of such regimes, will not fight global warming ...
GRRR!!! (or, Obamacare needs more Obama and less care...)

Posted by Unknown | 8:59 AM
Generally, I consider Clive Crook to be the smartest, most reasonable conservative on the Internet (perhaps it's because he's Britis...
I love me, you love me

Posted by Unknown | 6:50 AM
Percentage changes in countries' favorable views of the U.S. , 2005-2009: India: +5 China: +5 Indonesia: +25 Britain: +15 France: +34 Ge...

Posted by Unknown | 6:27 AM
One of the more ludicrous habits of Fox News commentators, National Review writers, and other conservative media types is their love of the ...
Matt Yglesias and Justin Fox know what is up on finance

Posted by Unknown | 7:42 AM
The blogosphere wrestles with the topic of the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Felix Salmon, finance columnist : Net-net, fin...
Score one for under-the-radar Obama diplomacy

Posted by Unknown | 9:08 AM
Many were worried that, with the coming of the Obama administration, our country's budding relationship with India would fall apart - t...
Why Obama is getting less popular

Posted by Unknown | 12:42 PM
Worrying news for the Obama administration, as the president's approval ratings dip on nearly every policy issue in existence. Why is...
Republicans increasingly use the language of civil war

Posted by Unknown | 4:48 PM
In Thailand, disaffected traditional elites who kept losing at the ballot box marched in the street, shut down the government, and pressured...
We're oil doomed

Posted by Unknown | 9:15 AM
Those who enjoy Canadian accents and the Apocalypse will especially like this lecture by Jeff Rubin , but everyone should listen to it. No...
Brief and simple history of macroeconomic thought

Posted by Unknown | 8:47 AM
If you ever wanted one, here it is . One quibble: though Friedman advocated free markets on the microeconomic (structural) level, he didn...
Quasi-weekly China bash

Posted by Unknown | 10:08 AM
As long as China keeps buying mountains of U.S. debt to support their currency peg, global imbalances will continue. As long as global im...
Mind the gap, but not so much
Posted by Unknown | 7:47 PM
The black-white education gap has not vanished in the years since the 1990s. That's the bad news, I guess. But when I read the fine pri...
Yes! Yes!! Please kill them, not me!
Posted by Unknown | 6:56 AM
Ooooooh, China, you done picked on someone who won't smile and ask for seconds ... Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network has taken up the ...
How DARE you offer to pay us more for doing better work?!!

Posted by Unknown | 6:01 AM
When you read about issues in the media, you have to consider the messenger. When conservatives rail against teachers' unions, you have ...
Why is Palin's "Real America" turning into a giant slum?

Posted by Unknown | 1:52 PM
David Frum just might be the smartest conservative in the media today (assuming Glenn Beck isn't just pulling our leg). Earlier this yea...
The Republican Party Has Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Race, Young Republicans Edition
Posted by Unknown | 1:39 PM
It is a total coincidence that this lone-wolf racist just happens to be a prominent Republican activist; she could have just as easily jus...
Back to 2007
Posted by Unknown | 6:18 AM
AIG is once again paying out huge bonuses . Morgan Stanley is once again packaging crappy mortgage loans into AAA-rated CDOs. Chins is once...

Posted by Unknown | 9:53 AM
This week's Economist has a pretty good article comparing California and Texas . I won't rehash California's budget and governme...
Millions for defense, not one cent for trubute!

Posted by Unknown | 7:58 AM
I probably wouldn't be classified as a "neocon" in American public consciousness, because A) I don't support unprovoked U....
Texas turns in on itself

Posted by Unknown | 9:35 AM
Via Ry, your daily slice of Texas politics : Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, who advocated more Christianity in the public square last year with...
How to treat our neocons
Posted by Unknown | 1:11 PM
Yglesias offer up a defense of neocon-bashing: It’s actually true that neocon bashing is a bit on the tiresome side. That said, I think it ...
Or you could act like responsible statesmen...oh wait, you're Republicans.

Posted by Unknown | 9:14 PM
After boldly deciding to take a stand on an issue, the GOP looks around desperately for a reason why : A week before her Senate hearings, R...