The return of domestic right-wing terrorism

Posted by | 6:33 PM
The murder of abortion doctor George Tiller is the first high-profile incident of domestic right-wing terrorism in a long time. Why now? Wa...

Israel: facts, not necessarily on the ground

Posted by | 3:23 PM
From an email conversation of mine, regarding the controversy over Israeli settlement building : My reading of it is that Israel knows it wi...

The Sotomayor quote

Posted by | 8:15 AM
Sonia Sotomayor, by all accounts, did once say: “ I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more ofte...

Government and the market

Posted by | 12:25 PM
The Economist has a new article in which it cautions Obama and the Democrats not to go too far in restraining American business. The failur...

Light rail and crime

Posted by | 7:18 AM
Via Ry, an insight into why Americans aren't fond of trains: Do trains carry crime? Some residents of Gloucester County worry that a p...

Why Obama IS like Spock

Posted by | 7:07 AM
Mary C. Curtis seems to think that the Obama-Spock comparisons making the internet rounds have something to do with the fact that Obama and...

Entitlements, in brief

Posted by | 6:35 AM
Via Krugman , Digby delivers a broadside against conservative fiscal priorities: Right now the social security trust fund isn't going t...

Let us gaze in awe upon a more advanced civilization

Posted by | 1:16 PM
Yglesias : Steve Clemons reports that economic stimulus is under way in second-tier Chinese cities hit hard by the economic downturn: And ...

Down with summer vacation!

Posted by | 10:54 AM
Via Yglesias , Lane Kenworthy makes a good point - summer vacation increases educational inequality . The reason is that during summer, kids...

The benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, and the baker

Posted by | 10:02 AM
There are growing reports of fissures in the U.S. business community over the issue of carbon pricing. For many years, U.S. businesses - ma...

Yglesias birthday posts

Posted by | 3:04 PM
Yglesias dishes up some good ones on his 28th: 1. Yglesias is right that roads don't pay for themselves . Actually, though Yglesias does...

2.2 more MPG by 2016 - now that's change we can believe in!

Posted by | 1:46 PM
Our government is finally pressing ahead with one of the biggest no-brainer policies resisted by the Bushies - higher mpg standards for car...

Blogging before morning coffee = elementary mistakes

Posted by | 6:09 AM
Yglesias looks at a graph that shows that countries that spend more on social services (health, education, welfare) tend to have lower inco...

Moron the conservative movement

Posted by | 6:59 AM
Daniel Larison ventures to tell us "who lost conservatism": As the cliché goes, there are three main factions in the conservative ...

How to defang the Christianist menace

Posted by | 7:58 AM
Very, very interesting news out of Utah: The most Republican state in the nation is drifting to the left. In the last few months, Gov. Jon...

My name is Ozymandireagan...look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.

Posted by | 11:05 AM
Richard Posner, a conservative economist/judge, says that conservatism is an intellectually dead movement . Posner is a big deal (in intelle...

If there is a Thor, betcha he supports nationalizing the banks

Posted by | 7:31 AM
(The Thor's Helmet Nebula, NGC 2359) Via Ry, Matt Taibbi delivers a hilarious takedown of those tasked with intellectually defending re...

Bad banks

Posted by | 10:01 AM
The Treasury Dept.'s "stress tests" for banks have been much derided in the press . The consensus is that the stress tests mak...

Quote of the day

Posted by | 10:37 AM
Matt Yglesias: It seems to me that when you look at the things that people buy with their private funds, that the United States is the great...

What kind of city would you like to live in?

Posted by | 9:06 AM
Of all the great changes America has undergone in its history, the urbanization of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was certainly one ...

Hot chicks dressed like Princess Leia!

Posted by | 3:43 PM
Actually, this post is about corporate taxation. You may have heard of Obama's drive to crack down on tax havens . There's a lot of ...

Welcome to America

Posted by | 8:14 AM
Matt Yglesias flags a poll showing increased support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, and has this to say : That’s interesting. Conventi...

The Republican Party is not about race! Not about race at all!

Posted by | 2:15 PM
...and windbag liberals like Brad DeLong are just being cranks for saying otherwise : The Republicans put Jefferson Beauregard Sessions ...

Karl Rove: not just stupid, but catastrophically stupid

Posted by | 9:05 AM
Many people I know - liberals especially - regard Karl Rove as an evil genius or dark wizard. Now that Bush's tenure looks increasingly ...