Yglesias dishes up some good ones on his 28th:
1. Yglesias is right that roads don't pay for themselves. Actually, though Yglesias doesn't mention this, the reason why is extremely simple: If roads did pay for themselves, we'd have just as many without the government having to build any.
2. Yglesias is also right that George Will is a chugging fugging moron. Note the transportation policy connection: Will scorns trains because they will never pay for themselves, ignoring the fact that neither do roads. The constant smacking down of Will by Yglesias and other bloggers would be getting almost mean if A) he wasn't one of the country's premier journalists, and B) the smackdowns weren't devastatingly true.
3. Yglesias also laments his book's "meager, meager sales figures." Just a suggestion here - Matt should write a book about transportation policy.
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