Nationalize teh banks

Posted by | 2:55 PM
Sweden's finance minister says the U.S. should "confront the financial industry's political power and nationalize our banks . L...

Seeing things in black and white

Posted by | 8:26 AM
Brad DeLong and Matt Yglesias take Byron York to task for saying this : On his 100th day in office, Barack Obama enjoys high job approval ...

The rich, the super-rich, and the super-duper-galaxy-devouring-black-hole-size rich

Posted by | 6:16 AM
(I apologize for the fact that this picture is not nearly as cute as the one in the previous post.) Peter Orszag, director of the Congressio...

Rampant Specterlation

Posted by | 5:27 PM
(I was going to put a picture of Arlen Specter here, but you can't deny this is much cuter.) Arlen Specter speculation has been requeste...

Periodic China bash

Posted by | 9:14 AM
Seems like it's been forever since I've done a China-bashing post. Not much new to say, but here's some links: 1) A look at on...

An actual idea about Pakistan (gasp)

Posted by | 6:52 PM
There is a lot of hand-wringing about Pakistan but not a lot of ideas about what to do. It's become fashionable to write "Pakistan ...

American Roulette

Posted by | 9:14 AM
Among the cases made for lower taxes is the idea that taxes discourage hard work. But if very rich people make more than somewhat-wealthy pe...

Subject: Re: Attn. conservatives Message Body: nobody agrees with you anymore so get a life

Posted by | 10:44 AM
More news about how the Republican party is responding to its big losses by thumping the same old tubs : Rank-and-file Republicans remain, b...

Ruling the world is a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it

Posted by | 6:05 AM
I don't want to crap too much on the emerging neo-isolationist foreign policy consensus, because it's not obviously wrong. Matt Ygle...

The only game left in town

Posted by | 4:03 PM
Nate Silver wonders if the libertarian movement has taken over the GOP: But of the roughly four different pathways the Republicans could ta...

The Republicans' master plan

Posted by | 10:24 AM
Yglesias comments on how the Republicans just love to double down when they fail : After losing ground in 2006, you might have expected Repu...

Throwing the game to win the scrimmage

Posted by | 7:45 AM
If I had only one sentence to say what makes me so mad about the modern American conservative movement, that sentence would be: American con...

Ry rolls his eyes

Posted by | 5:17 PM
About five years ago, as my time in the navy was drawing to a close, I spent a lot of time surfing the emerging liberal blogosphere. I star...

Peak oil is important stuff

Posted by | 7:51 AM
Researcher Colin Campbell on peak oil: [T]he population only doubled over the first 17 centuries of the last millennium. But then came coal ...


Posted by | 9:00 AM
Matt Yglesias takes on Tom DeLay's assertion that Texas is a "wealthy state" because Texans "work hard", and has thi...

Religion of peace

Posted by | 6:00 PM
When conservatives tell me that the conservative movement isn't about race, I am reminded of those "moderate Muslims" who went...

Where does your tax money go?

Posted by | 9:41 AM
Commenter, that is, the mysterious " l "...has a great idea: each taxpayer should have access to an easy-to-read web app...

In defense of the "tea parties"

Posted by | 9:44 AM
The Republican-organized anti-tax "tea party" demonstrations have been much maligned. It has been pointed out that they are funde...

The South under siege

Posted by | 12:56 PM
A Research 2000 poll finds that Americans of all races, ages, genders, and political affiliations have favorable opinions of San Francisco,...

Free lunches and exploding toast.

Posted by | 1:40 PM
The modern-day robber barons of the finance world are under populist attack. The Economist notes two lines of criticism : 1) financiers are...

Perfect Liberty (a pre Thomas Jefferson/Noah Smith birthday post)

Posted by | 12:10 PM
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unali...

Why not transit?

Posted by | 11:29 AM
Ryan Avent and Matt Yglesias make a good point : As soon as the world recovers from its current slump, high oil prices will be right back, b...


Posted by | 4:36 PM
Matt Yglesias and I are on the exact same wavelength when it comes to race in America : I read Ta-Nehisi Coates casually refer to Yeah Yeah...

I must hurry after them for I am their leader!

Posted by | 4:31 PM
This kind of thing is really getting sad. The breakdown of the Grand Old Party since Obama won has been a source of endless amusement, b...

Some idle speculation

Posted by | 11:38 AM
Chris asks me, in re: my and Noah's defense spending foofarah : " much of a different story do you think a land war would ...