Lipsticks, pigs, etc.

Posted by | 4:30 PM
This weekend, Ry sent me this very interesting story about Newt Gingrich. It's a little-known fact that Newt was a boyhood idol of mine...

For the love of all that is holy, NATIONALIZE THE BANKS!!!!!!

Posted by | 3:55 PM
Paul Krugman thinks we should nationalize the banks . Joseph Stiglitz thinks we should nationalize the banks . Adam Posen thinks we should n...

The conservative media

Posted by | 1:11 PM
The Washington Post, one of the nation's three leading papers, now employs as regular editorial columnists the following people: Charles...

Krugman echoes Noah

Posted by | 8:32 AM
They are two pretty obvious points. But it's still nice to see Paul Krugman using the same language that I usually use when he points o...

Frenzied Copula-tion

Posted by | 1:40 PM
A lot of people know that financial firms used a lot of incorrect mathematical models during the run-up to the recent financial crisis. But ...

We can't get rich selling houses to each other

Posted by | 10:59 AM
Phoenix, America's fastest-growing major city for most of this decade, owes its "success" to the housing bubble. People moved ...

After the separation

Posted by | 9:45 AM
China and the U.S. are joined at the hip - financial siamese twins . China must keep buying U.S. Treasury bills in order to prop up its expo...

Government vs. the Market

Posted by | 4:51 PM
If you ask most people which of America's two major parties stands for a bigger economic role for the government, they'll say ...

The United States' Industrial Policy

Posted by | 9:48 AM
When people use the term "industrial policy," they usually mean an economic strategy in which the government identifies certain in...

in which Noah trashes a famous liberal icon math prodigy

Posted by | 3:15 PM
Nate Silver - he of the magical statistics models that beat every polling firm in existence, he of the brilliant 2008 campaign coverage - ju...

DeLong 1, Forces of Darkness and Ignorance 0

Posted by | 6:37 AM
Gregory Clark , dept. chair of economics at UC Davis: [The stimulus debate] has seen people like Brad DeLong accuse distinguished macro-econ...

Small enough to drown in a bathtub

Posted by | 6:39 AM
California is about to experience that very thing as GOP lawmakers in the state legislature let ideology trump the welfare of the world'...

Paging Lord Vorrutyer

Posted by | 4:56 PM
Something about this gruesome case caught my eye: The couple were wed in 2006 in Kentucky, where people can change their gender on their bi...

Why it's not time for bipartisanship yet

Posted by | 11:19 AM
Rahm Emanuel today conceded that Obama's push for bipartisanship on the stimulus bill ended up giving Republicans control of the debate...

Does this mean we're not invited to your birthday party?

Posted by | 3:13 PM
China is apparently not happy about the soaring U.S. national debt: LUO PING, director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, ...


Posted by | 11:27 AM
It's been requested that I take a break from posts about my usual tubthumping topics (Republican racism and sex-and-politics), so I'...

Gee, Pesto, you sure are an optimist!

Posted by | 11:14 AM
Jonah Goldberg is trying to write a column about the upside of the current crash . Donald Luskin beat him to the punch (via Ry). This is ...

The urbanism debate

Posted by | 6:43 AM
Liberal commentary on what the cities of the future should look like, from blogger Matt Yglesias: [W]hat they have in Arlington is a long ...

Japan blogging

Posted by | 12:51 PM
Anyone who is interested in Japan or its economy, or just can't get enough of my writing, can go check out my latest guest post on Obse...

The water is not the cup

Posted by | 10:14 AM
The basic idea of "free-market economics" is that, if properly regulated, markets will lead to an optimal (efficient) outcome. Thi...

Sex and Politics

Posted by | 3:14 PM
I recently got banned from the TexAgs forum , Ry's ID...(sheepish grin)... As near as we can tell, the offensive post...

Why is inflation so scary?

Posted by | 9:11 AM
Matt Yglesias points out the oddity of the fact that, even in this deflationary downturn, many conservatives are still focused on inflation...

Hackonomics in action

Posted by | 9:56 AM
Larry Kudlow is one of America's premier "hackonomists" - a bunch of people with little or no economics training who blather o...