Sex and Politics

Monday, February 9, 2009

I recently got banned from the TexAgs forum, Ry's ID...(sheepish grin)...

As near as we can tell, the offensive post was one in which I opined that the pro-life movement has an ulterior motive - namely, stopping people from having casual sex. This is not my original idea - I heard it first on Loveline from Adam Carolla, and then a few years later from Pat Robertson on TBN. "As long as abortion is legal," Robertson said (I'm paraphrasing from memory), "there are no consequences for irresponsible, immoral behavior." That was a pretty clear statement that one reaon pro-lifers want to ban abortion is not to stop "baby-killing," it's to stop people from having sex for pleasure. And Robertson did not seem at all ashamed to want this.

So I don't think it was really that radical of a statement for me to make. No explanation was given for the banning, so I suppose I'll never know. But my sneaking suspicion is that my analysis would be regarded as an insult to the relgious beliefs of pro-life individuals - while statements that abortionists are murderers would likewise be defended as expressions of faith. It's a bit similar to the Islamist tactic of labeling any criticism of Islam-backed governments or sharia laws as "religious defamation."

In any case, banning people for saying liberal stuff won't get Texas A&M's proto-fascists very far. Because I'm right - politics is often about sex. And official suppression of liberalism means that every sexualy frustrated college guy at A&M who blames The System for his inability to get laid will come to see liberalism as cool and rebellious. I'll have the last laugh after all.


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