Posted by Unknown | 6:11 PM
Looks like Michael Steele won . I applaud the choice, given the alternatives. There's plenty I could say about the implications of the...
Home » Archives for January 2009
The new head elephant
Looks like Michael Steele won . I applaud the choice, given the alternatives. There's plenty I could say about the implications of the...The new Head Elephant
Posted by Unknown | 9:57 PM
So we're on a bit of a Republican-bashing kick around here (I believe "vitriolic" was the word used in a recent comment), for ...
The silent, invisible, intangible majority
Posted by Unknown | 10:50 AM
As the Republican party struggles to reinvent itself , it would be wise to admit that the political strategies of the last eight years are a...
Ry is angry, but not surprised
Posted by Unknown | 7:34 PM
The (first) stimulus bill passed with zero Republican support . To those of us old enough to remember the last time we had a Democrat's...
Krugman/Thoma/DeLong: "Real Business Cycle" Theory is Teh St00pid
Posted by Unknown | 12:53 PM
Amid all the arguing about the effectiveness of this or that kind of fiscal stimulus, the big liberal econ bloggers hadn't gotten aroun...
Terrorism as fund-raising
Posted by Unknown | 9:10 AM
The Economist this week reports on the decline of al-Qaeda - due, somewhat predictably, to a combination of external pressure and intra-jih...
Posted by Unknown | 11:23 AM
Tim Geithner, in a break with Bush policy, has accused China of "manipulating its currency." In terms of plausibility, this is rat...
If you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'
Posted by Unknown | 7:27 AM
Never again will I make fun of China for faking stuff at the Olympic opening ceremonies. Not when our finest musicians pull a Milli Vanilli ...
It's the Marignal Cost, stupid!

Posted by Unknown | 6:45 AM
Largely forgotten in the Great Stimulus Debate (latest broadsides here and here ) has been the question of public goods creation. Or rather...
Once again.

Posted by Unknown | 9:18 AM
First black president. Liberal resurgence. Worldwide prestige. New approach to the economic crisis. Yes, those things matter a lot. But what...
Economics explained, unfortunately

Posted by Unknown | 10:47 AM
The debate over Obama's proposed stimulus bill has sparked a public clash of academic economists the like of which has rarely been witne...
Nationalize Teh Banks!
Posted by Unknown | 10:13 AM
Paul Krugman thinks we should nationalize our banks . Felix Salmon thinks we should nationalize our banks . Willem Buiter thinks we should n...
Can't win em all
Posted by Unknown | 12:41 PM
The Economist's awesome Bush retrospective points out something unprecedented about Bush's response to 9/11: Sean Wilentz, a histor...
On second thought, let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
Posted by Unknown | 12:34 PM
The Economist, on economic and international issues, is generally perceived as a right-leaning magazine. So it's really worth a "Wo...
Of church and state

Posted by Unknown | 9:33 AM
I guess I should be prepared to denounce this column by Michael Gerson, neocon hack and evangelical blowhard. And indeed, its contempt for ...
Is American power on the wane?
Posted by Unknown | 7:34 AM
Paul Kennedy literally wrote the book on the rise and fall of great powers. So when he writes that American power is on the wane , shouldn...
India: the part Bush got right

Posted by Unknown | 8:19 AM
As George W. Bush thankfully prepares to slink away forever from an office to which he was disastrously unsuited, and as we all dust off our...
The Lost Decade
Posted by Unknown | 8:26 PM
Many people are wondering if, as a result of the financial crisis, America will suffer a "Lost Decade" similar to that suffered by...
Macroeconomics has really, really, really dropped the ball

Posted by Unknown | 1:56 PM
Matt Yglesias puts the idea of a recession in startlingly simple terms : We have lots of people now with the ability to do useful work and t...
Look at me still talking when there's Science to do
Posted by Unknown | 11:14 AM
The Economist sums up the weird anti-science philosophy of the Bush administration: One of the stranger beliefs of some politicians is that...
Economic Nationalism

Posted by Unknown | 9:33 AM
If you're interested in international trade/finance issues, and you lack the patience or technical knowledge to wade through Brad Setser...