Another day, another lesson in etiquette

Posted by | 9:46 AM
It seems like I learn something new and useful every day. Today I learned that people don't like it when you post their personal emails ...

A different way to look at the horse race

Posted by | 7:28 AM
Polls continue to shift in Obama's favor . However, if you take a look at CNN's Electoral College Map , a slightly more worrying pic...

Bob Barr is right

Posted by | 6:52 AM
What George Bush has done is, in fact, to tear at the very fabric of our Constitutional government .


Posted by | 10:22 PM
Commenter Junkfarm asks: Noah: Knowing next to nothing about economics, let me ask you: what is the economic rationale in having a foreign c...

The creative "minimum"?

Posted by | 10:14 PM
For those who, like me, are both concerned and angry over our government's Soviet-esque policy of turning away qualified foreign workers...

Idle speculation

Posted by | 8:18 AM
Great post from Paul Krugman explaining why speculators aren't causing the runup in oil prices . Suppose I were to bet you $10 that oil ...

Every man a king

Posted by | 9:23 AM
Ezra Klein has a great post about the downsides of homeownership , and how our government's policies have pushed too many people to igno...

Money money money makes the world go 'round

Posted by | 5:00 AM
Matt Yglesias and Kathy G. link to an old Krugman article that they claim tells you "everything you need to know about macroeconomic...

Morons, your bus is leaving!

Posted by | 11:13 AM
Matt Yglesias marvels at the perfidy of the Bush administration's push for drilling in ANWR. He very rightly points out that ANWR drill...

Gloomy Gussage

Posted by | 7:37 PM
Matt Yglesias identifies a new "neo-contrarian" position on global warming - it's happening, but there's no real possibil...

Obama in person

Posted by | 1:56 PM
I was at Obama's speech in Detroit last night, and I was absolutely blown away. As a speaker, he's even better than Bill Clinton, wh...

I love America

Posted by | 9:10 PM
I'm sitting up watching Fox News again, something I've done since 2002 when I've felt out of sorts. There's something very c...

No more Mr.

Posted by | 9:50 AM
"Mr. Noah" is what my physics teacher called me in high school. When I first put that up on my blog, it sounded kind of cute as a ...

Obamanomics: What's the Big Idea?

Posted by | 1:11 PM
David Ignatius wants to know Obama's Big Economic Idea: [W]ill Obama's domestic economic agenda also be exciting and visionary? Wil...

Yay for high oil prices

Posted by | 9:02 AM
Nick Welsh at the Santa Barbara Independent wonders : In this whole oil price scandal , I find myself sadly bereft of a team to root for. Do...


Posted by | 1:49 PM
A lot of liberal bloggers (e.g. Steve Clemons and Ezra Klein ) are annoyed at Obama for choosing Jason Furman, a centrist business-school p...

Obamanomics is fine by me

Posted by | 10:44 AM
Steve Clemons at TPMCafe worries that Obama's team of economic advisors is too "neoliberal" (i.e., believes too much in marke...

We want communism!

Posted by | 10:07 AM
Last night I was flipping through channels, and I noticed Lou Dobbs AND Glenn Beck's stand-in both complaining about high gas prices, an...

Wanted: Obamanomics

Posted by | 10:07 PM
Newsweek has a decent article about the recession . To make a long story short, this one's probably going to last a while: maybe as long...

Gas prices vs. American aggression, cont.

Posted by | 5:54 PM
From an article in the Chicago Sun-Times about the demise of the SUV: Detroit's emphasis now is on smaller, more economical cars. Genera...

So that's why Indian business is so strong

Posted by | 10:31 AM
The new chairman of the Sardar Bhagat Singh College of Technology and Management in northern India is...well... see for yourself . Good thin...

The flat world ain't so flat no more

Posted by | 9:09 AM
When Thomas Friedman coined the horribly dumb-sounding metaphor of the "flat world," he just meant that transport costs were comi...

The Needham Question

Posted by | 2:12 PM
The Economist reviews a biography of Joseph Needham, the quirky British scientist and historian who obsessed over the question of why Chine...

Unity ticket my arse!

Posted by | 9:13 AM
After refusing to gracefully spare the Democratic party two months of pain, Hillary " The Deranged Narcissist " Clinton was finall...

Growth is Good: Obama edition

Posted by | 10:44 AM
Ezra Klein may not think much of WaPo columnist Sebastian Mallaby, but I've gotta say, the man occasionally comes out with a truly exce...

Also, no hurricane has ever been policed away

Posted by | 5:47 PM
Jollygreen alerts me to an article in which Britain's Hugh Orde, police chief in Northern Ireland, says Britain should talk to al-Qaeda ...

Or we could be smart...

Posted by | 1:34 PM
The WaPo reports that pro-American sentiment is on the upswing in Iran again, as people realize that Ahmadinejad and his gang of Revolution...