Gas prices vs. American aggression, cont.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

From an article in the Chicago Sun-Times about the demise of the SUV:
Detroit's emphasis now is on smaller, more economical cars. General Motors is shutting a number of truck plants, including one in Janesville, Wis, and the company may sell its Hummer operation.

But for some Chicago-area SUV drivers, smaller cars just don't hold the same appeal.

Andre Bastermajian, 21, of Bloomquist, owns a Chevrolet Blazer and says he likes the "feeling of authority over smaller cars" it gives him.

Still, "If it gets to the point where it's over $5 [a gallon], I'll have to buy a little scooter," he said.

Funny how SUV- and truck-based road aggression became such a cultural hallmark of the Bush years. I've been thinking back on this decade, and trying to pick out the dominant cultural meme of the Bush years. It just might be a fat angry guy sipping a 40-ounce soda in his SUV, shoving all the little cars out of the way (on his way to a real-estate deal, perhaps?).

Well, that'll have to go. Heheheh.


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