Something about history and victory

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A commenter writes:
The more I watch and listen to Hillary Clinton, the less I like her. She impresses me as the same sort of two-faced poop-slinger as Republicans. In her debate points she flings insults that are rarely, if ever, fair, and in the same sentence accuses Obama of doing what she, herself is doing. Classic Republican tactics. Accusing your opponents of your own faults is the Republican way of blunting your opponents' defense. She makes me ashamed to be a liberal. And Bill Clinton debases himself and his legacy by leading the dirty fighting. For shame.
In response to this, I'd like to relate a little historical allegory from the year 1516. The Mamelukes of Egypt had just been soundly defeated by the Ottoman Empire at the battle of Marj Darbiq, thanks to the Ottoman army's pioneering use of firearms. In a rage, the defeated Mameluke leader said this to the Ottoman sultan:
[Y]ou have brought with you this contrivance artfully devised by the Christians of Europe when they were incapable of meeting the Muslim armies on the battlefield. The contrivance is [the] musket which, even if a woman were to fire it, would [defeat] a number of men. Had we chosen to employ this weapon you would not have preceded us in its use. But we are the people who do not discard the [practices] of our Prophet Muhammad, which is [to fight] with sword and lance. And woe to thee! How darest thou shoot with firearms at Muslims!


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