How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Posted by | 5:35 PM
In the Financial Times , economist Ricardo Hausmann tells the U.S. to stop whining and take its recession like a man: The goal [of U.S. poli...

Large, anxious voters

Posted by | 7:21 PM
Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor, writes in the Financial Times : The problem [with the American economy] lies deeper than the ...

See Cloverfield.

Posted by | 5:30 PM
See Cloverfield . See it now. It is very very very good.

Where I steal all my ideas

Posted by | 4:33 PM
In an article in The Economist: [T]he world seems to be in rather better shape than most people realise... In the world as a whole, a stunn...

Let your people go

Posted by | 1:32 PM
Matt Yglesias usually does an excellent job of pointing out the shortcomings of conventional approaches to foreign policy...but a somewhat l...

American decline

Posted by | 11:01 AM
Here is a completely retarded essay about America's relative decline in the world. A quote: As the early 20th-century European scholars...

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Muslim?

Posted by | 8:48 PM
I'm three weeks late in noticing and responding to this essay by Fouad Ajami , but hey - as soon as someone starts paying me to blog, I&...

Revenge of the Nerds, Part 2

Posted by | 10:19 AM
Tyler Cowen writes : [I]n the real world, romantic competition has radically changed. Millions of Women Are Waiting to Meet You is the apt t...

Electability Post #1,000,000,000

Posted by | 7:16 AM
Kevin Drum looks at some numbers from a very thorough LA Times poll , and finds that Clinton "does at least as well as Obama against ev...

Something about history and victory

Posted by | 5:43 PM
A commenter writes : The more I watch and listen to Hillary Clinton, the less I like her. She impresses me as the same sort of two-faced poo...

Best Electability Post Ever

Posted by | 8:48 AM
Every time people (especially liberals) tell me that Hillary is "polarizing" and unelectable, I want to show them a really good bl...

Krugman's strategery

Posted by | 8:33 AM
Yglesias tracks Krugman's latest efforts to discredit Barack Obama. In fact, lately Krugman has been on Obama's case with an inte...

But I liked the 80s!

Posted by | 4:57 PM
Paul Krugman doesn't like Obama saying that Reagan created a "sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship." Reagan, Krugman claims...

Let me make it plain

Posted by | 2:01 PM
Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers at Cato Unbound note that the economic basis of marriage is changing . No longer is it economical to hav...

The Superpower Cometh

Posted by | 3:33 PM
Among the scariest articles I've read all year is this piece by Ian Buruma . It manages to succinctly sum up many of the fears and misgi...

Stop worrying and love the reactor

Posted by | 3:06 PM
At the risk of having this become the Matt Yglesias Shadow Blog (yeah, like it hasn't happened already), here's an Yglesias post wit...

A proposed alternative to nuclear nonproliferation

Posted by | 8:57 AM
Matt Yglesias writes : "If you want to halt nuclear proliferation, you need to follow the Non-Proliferation Treaty ." I've hea...

Sex and Death

Posted by | 7:01 PM
Via Yglesias , an article attempting to delve into the soul of Virginia Tech killer Seung-Hui Cho. Writer Wesley Yang writes: [Cho's is]...

Buh-bye conservatism

Posted by | 4:23 PM
Jonah Goldberg manages to write a column without any liberal-baiting in it , and - surprise! - the man actually seems to sort of know what h...

The Pill vs. Devils on Horseback

Posted by | 4:42 PM
I just saw The Devil Came on Horseback , a chilling documentary about the genocide in Darfur that will soon be released as a feature film. ...

Revenge of the nerds

Posted by | 6:36 PM
Here's an interesting review in the Economist of a new book about American nerds. The book struggles with the definition of "nerd...

Barack from vacation!

Posted by | 10:55 AM
I'm back, but posting is still going to be fairly light here, at least for the next 6 weeks, which are shaping up to be the busiest of m...

Out til the 6th

Posted by | 10:38 AM
Oh, hey, forgot to say that I'm on vacation and will be out until the 6th. Happy New Year's! A couple random good articles to read: ...