Gavin Newsom is a loser

Friday, February 2, 2007

The mayor of San Francisco, who became something of a folk hero for bucking the law and allowing gay marriage, has just admitted to having an affair with his best friend's wife.

Now I realize that, in the wake of the Monica Lewinski mess, we all need to recognize that politicians' private lives are separate from their job performance, and should be treated as such. But Gavin Newson just lost my vote.

This is a 40-year-old bachelor who has been described as having "movie-star looks," and has dated everyone from
20-year-old bar girls to Scientologist actresses. This is a man who can obviously have any woman he wants...and he chose to get it on with his best friend's wife? Even among playboys, men who sleep with 100, 200 women a year - and I know some of those men - that's a boundary that is usually respected.

I might add that the best friend, Alex Tourk, was also his campaign manager, who had been described as Newsom's "most loyal" employee and was largely responsible for Newsom's successful reelection campaign. And this is how he's rewarded. If Newsom can throw away friendship, loyalty, and integrity for a quick roll in the hay - something he has no shortage of - then how can he be trusted and respected as a public figure?

I think this article says it best:

Tom Abbott, 36, an executive recruiter, said that having an affair with a loyal aide's wife was "a total slimeball move."Any guy who puts that much mousse in his hair can't be trusted," Abbott said. "You don't screw over your own boys."

Newsom said that being a mayor is the "

worst job in America," because of the lack of privacy. Yes, one of the downsides of being a powerful and respected leader is that it crimps your ability to secretly bang your best friend's wife. Gavin, I bleed for you.

Political leaders often seem like the living embodiments of the cultures of the cities, states, or nations they represent. Is Gavin Newsom really representative of San Francisco values? Having lived 5 years in the Bay Area, I can say that I don't think he is. But conservatives looking to stereotype that part of the country couldn't have asked for a better example.

Gavin Newsom is a bum and a loser. And he indeed has
a terrible haircut. All you San Franciscans out there, don't vote for his sorry butt.

PS - For a bit of actually important news...I often claim that what Bush does can be predicted with 99% accuracy by reading the Weekly Standard and waiting a month. Which is why it's interesting that Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard writer and Bush apologist extraordinaire, called Iraq a war "without victory in sight". Of course, that line was burined deep on page 2 of the article, while the headliner was Standard editor William Kristol ranting about the Democrats' "anti-surge, anti-Petraeus, anti-troops, and anti-victory resolution". Wonder which of those articles Bush will pay more attention to...


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