Love, actually

Posted by | 6:19 AM
Is this conservative column right? The column is a review of Brokeback Mountain , the story of two gay cowboys whose love for each other te...

Lessons learned from this year: Ape-men are bad news

Posted by | 10:15 PM
Well, folks, it's about time to dump that spent old 2005 and run off to the Bahamas with pretty young 2006. And what have we learned thi...

How dare you reveal my perfectly legitimate activities!!!

Posted by | 8:13 PM
George Bush is apparently angry at those who revealed the spying activities that he considers perfectly legitimate . Does anyone sense a con...

The Future of Liberalism - Post 4

Posted by | 1:19 AM
This is the 4th part in my 4-post series about the future of liberalism, the American political movement that I believe has the greatest cha...

Don't read this reading guide. Read the previous post.

Posted by | 12:45 AM
Weekend Reading Guide: 1. Pioneering stem cell research Woo Suk Hwang (giggle) did a lot more than gather egg cells from his employeed...he ...

Hold it there slugger...

Posted by | 8:30 AM
In this column for the Washington Post , veteran "conservative" columnist George Will, perhaps feeling a need to reestablish cons...

Oh give me a clone

Posted by | 10:11 AM
Blaspheme of the day: What's so inherently awful about reproductive cloning? A clone is basically just a twin who's a different age....

Attack of the angry Australians

Posted by | 8:03 PM
Anyone who hasn't read about the race riots in Australia's Sydney suburbs ...well, should. For a little insight into the psychology ...

Beating the bad guys is also fun.

Posted by | 9:58 PM
So here's a column by Fredd Hiatt about the Republican political machine, and the stresses that it has put on itself by its greed, arro...

Wow. A post about abortion.

Posted by | 12:52 AM
You probably won't be able to read this article in The Economist , since it's recently been changed to subscribers-only. Luckily, y...

I'd rather go snowboarding than waterboarding...

Posted by | 2:07 AM
Here , Charles Krauthammer attempts to justify American use of torture in the war on Islamic terrorism. Here , Andrew Sullivan writes how do...

...but he's right.

Posted by | 7:58 AM
Anyone who has ever seen Jonah Goldberg on TV knows that he is a fat, unctuous, smirking prattler whose career has been built on arrogantly...

Weakened reading guide...

Posted by | 10:34 PM
1. This story in The Economist shows that I may have been right on the money when I said that the famous Freakonomics claim - that abortio...

Whistling in the dark

Posted by | 5:13 AM
No matter how crazy a few Christian figures may occasionally seem, it is hard to imagine any Christians these days calling for the death of...

A brief interlude in C minor

Posted by | 8:40 PM
I've been away from the blogging world for a few days, so to all my millions of loyal screaming fans, here's an article to tide you ...

The American Nightmare - an opportunity.

Posted by | 4:44 AM
Today I read this article , called "Replant the American Dream," by Sebastian Mallaby. Normally, I skip over columns like this, ex...

How the hippies saved capitalism

Posted by | 7:20 AM
My thought of the day: The hippies saved capitalism. By "hippies" I am referring very loosely to the liberal, idealistic members o...

The Future of Liberalism - Post 3

Posted by | 9:20 AM
This is the third post in a 4-post series (here are Post 1 and Post 2 ), discussing the future of the movement called liberalism, which I h...

Pessimistic reading guide

Posted by | 5:27 AM
For all those of you who woke up on the right side of the bed today with a spring in your step and the certainty in your hearts that all is ...