Creeds, screeds, mockeries, Thackerays...

Friday, April 27, 2012

In my last post, I snarked that "I also think, incidentally, that maybe [libertarians] should reconsider the perfection and rightness of their ideology."

To which one of my commenters responded with an off-the-cuff masterpiece of sheer lulzy brilliance. From commenter JohnR:
Oh, c'mon now; no religion ever wants to be the first one to do that. What we'll see first is a schism, where the Galtians decide that the Roarkians are virulent heretics deserving of the harshest punishment ("She's a witch!") and they both agree that Ron Paul is an apostate if not a vile blasphemer. Soon the fun will start and there will be sects, sub-sects, deviant sects, consensual sects, chemically-enhanced sects, incense-free sects, creeds, screeds, mockeries, Thackerays, Inquisitions, Crusades, Reformations, Restorations, Abominations and Free Love. Only then will the One True and Holy Church of Rand be fully established as the single pure essence of Libertarianism, with the ruling that the other 7,843 "Libertarian" churches are merely cults to be stamped out with an iron boot.
Wow. All I can say is, when this happens, I hope my house is well-stocked with popcorn, because it's going to be fun to watch.


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