Home » Archives for April 2012
Why I could be a much better economist than I am

Creeds, screeds, mockeries, Thackerays...
Posted by Unknown | 11:08 AM
In my last post, I snarked that "I also think, incidentally, that maybe [libertarians] should reconsider the perfection and rightness o...
Giant Thursday Roundup (4/26/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 9:23 AM
Work is getting more demanding again, as I teach myself how to teach finance classes. Thursday Roundup will have to take a break in the mont...
Neither Real, nor Business, nor Cycles
Posted by Unknown | 8:47 AM
It has often been said of the Holy Roman Empire that it was "neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire." However, that joke has gotte...
Venture capital is sucking (your money)

Posted by Unknown | 8:02 AM
Many of America's tech startups are funded by venture capital. But why on earth would any venture capitalist invest in a risky, unproven...
Joel Kotkin lives in a Reaganite fantasy adventureland

Posted by Unknown | 10:27 PM
I am in a bad mood, and like many bloggers, when I am in a bad mood I go looking for stupid things that people have said on the Internet, in...
Down with particle physics, up with Big Energy Research!

Posted by Unknown | 11:41 AM
Nobel Prize winning physicist Steven Weinberg has a big article in the New York Review of Books lamenting the crisis in Big Science . He foc...
Thursday Roundup (4/19/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 8:51 AM
Ladies, gentlemen, and extraterrestrial beings, your Thursday Roundup: 1. Mark Thoma attends the INET conference in Berlin, and offers his ...
Equilibria, unique and not-so-unique (guest post by Roger Farmer)

Posted by Unknown | 7:54 AM
Roger Farmer had some very interesting things to say regarding my last post on equilibrium analysis , but unfortunately Blogger somehow impo...
DSGE vs. Weather Forecasting

Posted by Unknown | 11:41 PM
You often hear defenders of the DSGE modeling framework say something like this : "You can't attack DSGE. Its just a framework. You...
Greg Mankiw's touching faith in Tiebout Equilibrium

Posted by Unknown | 10:17 AM
Greg Mankiw has an op-ed extolling the benefits of competition between governments (at the local, state, or national level). The basic argu...
Thursday Roundup (4/12/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 9:01 PM
Way too much good stuff in this week's Thursday Roundup! So much good stuff that there may not be room for my traditional zany commentar...
The "let's lump a bunch of models together" approach

Posted by Unknown | 7:15 PM
Volker Wieland and his coauthors have taken a first step toward addressing the problem of model uncertainty in macroeconomics. Basically, t...
Weak defenses of the Lucas/Prescott Program

Posted by Unknown | 12:27 PM
In the 1970s, Robert Lucas perceived that there was a big problem in macroeconomics . Models that didn't allow for human beings to adjus...