Home » Archives for February 2010
Trains and liberty

The Temporary Decline and Non-Fall of the American Non-Empire

Posted by Unknown | 2:23 PM
Niall Ferguson is at it again , predicting the "downfall of the American empire": Niall Ferguson is candidly calling time on the A...
The brown people win (and you win, too)

Posted by Unknown | 7:31 AM
I remember, a few years back, driving through LA and listening to Michael Savage on the radio. He was declaring angrily that "the black...
Paul Otellini on Industrial Policy
Posted by Unknown | 12:43 AM
Intel CEO Paul Otellini : Other countries have focused on investing in innovation, creating national policies to build digital infrastructur...
Martin Wolf on China's exchange rate policy
Posted by Unknown | 6:23 PM
Martin Wolf : [China's] policy of keeping the exchange rate down is equivalent to an export subsidy and tariff, at a uniform rate – in o...
Epic Beard Man, race, violence, and American culture

Posted by Unknown | 8:16 AM
" Epic Beard Man ," the video that shows an old white guy delivering a beatdown to a black guy on an Oakland city bus, has quickly...
The continuing story of the 800-pound gorilla

Posted by Unknown | 7:39 AM
Apparently some among the Chinese leadership thought that once their country was the most powerful on Earth, all other countries would do wh...
Does government spending get flushed down a toilet?

Posted by Unknown | 8:37 PM
Greg Mankiw offers his thoughts on Obama's proposed bipartisan fiscal commission: [W]hat if you are [a] conservative [on the fiscal com...
U.S. government spending saves the world (again)

Posted by Unknown | 5:59 AM
From the government agency that brought you nuclear power, space travel, computers, and the internet: The brain trust of the Pentagon says...
I can has smrt kulcher?
Posted by Unknown | 11:16 AM
Ry forwards me the following chain email: Friends & Associates, Please meet Dr Starner Jones from Jackson , Mississippi...
The "sensible center" sours on China

Posted by Unknown | 6:54 AM
Robert Samuelson, as usual, gets some facts wrong in his most recent column about China (for instance, if the purpose of Chinese trade poli...
Texas vs. the future

Posted by Unknown | 7:48 AM
Bob Herbert has a decent column about how China is beating the U.S. in the race for solar energy . An excerpt: Way back in 1979, in the mids...
Nutty Jewish philosophers who wreck civilization

Posted by Unknown | 10:06 AM
It kind of makes me sad that both Ayn Rand and Karl Marx were Jewish. Together, these two philosophers have caused more devastation to the w...
Why don't more people go to nonexistent colleges? Take a wild guess.

Posted by Unknown | 9:46 AM
Ryan Avent notes that one reason Americans' median income has stalled might be that our education level is no longer increasing : [A] wo...
Markets aren't efficient, except when I want them to be

Posted by Unknown | 8:42 AM
It really saddens me when Brad DeLong uses an obviously moronic argument. That is not a thing that often happens. But here's the proof :...
Kill Medicare

Posted by Unknown | 8:25 AM
Paul Krugman reports that Paul Ryan wants to balance the budget by taking people's Medicare away : Well, Rep. Paul Ryan’s Roadmap for Am...
Lame theory

Posted by Unknown | 7:36 AM
Via Ry, here's a piece on why the Democratic party seems so much less united than the GOP: Up until about 2006 GOP solidarity remained ...
What is China doing wrong? A more nuanced view.

Posted by Unknown | 7:12 AM
In the past week or two, I've been posting a lot of criticism of China's policies, both in the security realm (cybersecurity, hackin...