Sarah Louise Palin will you please go now

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin has admirably performed her role in national politics - namely, to force the American people once again to recognize the fact that the Republican party is bankrupt of good ideas and responsible leaders (to the point where they would raise this bizarre perseverating narcissist to national prominence). In addition, she has provided entertainment for us liberals, who love watching the Republicans rip each other to shreds over whether or not to defend a lady's honor or cut loose the albatross.

But it is time for her to go. In a startlingly brief space of time, she has turned into just another grandstander, hoping to use the GOP's cohesiveness and lingering sense of solidity and power to grab as much attention as possible for herself. Even Republicans are no longer buying her shtick, and that just makes it boring. Buh-bye, Sarah. I wish you a long and happy life of friend-backstabbing, petty embezzlement, adutery, and extreme sports.

Now can we get Newt Gingrich to do the same thing? Unfortunately he has no office to resign; his narcissistic grandstanding is based on his undeserved reputation as a Republican "idea man." Ann Coulter will probably continue to flit at the unsavory edges of political discourse until varicose veins make it impractical for her to wear a miniskirt. And as for the apocalyptic nutso Glenn Beck or the anti-American windbag Rush Limbaugh, hell no - plenty of conservatives still think these are wise and reasonable men! Being able to string a coherent sentence together (unlike Palin) probably helps.

So we still have plenty of right-wing clowns at whom to laugh, even as our jaw drops open at their combination of evil, stupidity, and sheer chutzpah. Sarah Palin, it was nice knowin' ya, honey, now be a dear and $#%@ off forever.


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