Retiree ratio followup

Posted by | 9:32 AM
More Yglesias fixation... Today he takes on the idea (also put forward by me ) that high birthrates are needed to support retirees. First, ...

Let me see if I get this anti-gay thing

Posted by | 10:17 AM
Yglesias flags an excerpt from this post by conservative blogger Rod Dreher, which purports to explain why conservatives don't approve...

It's teh retiree ratio, yo

Posted by | 8:36 AM
Matt Yglesias wonders why low birth rates are a bad thing: Less clear to me is why so many people seem concerned by the specter of low birth...

Cruel and unusual

Posted by | 8:09 AM
Via Yglesias, Jim Webb calls for prison reform . There's the obvious point that marijuana should be decriminalized (if you don't agr...

Nationalism vs. tribalism

Posted by | 12:49 PM
Matt Yglesias complains that the Republican party, now that it's been kicked out of all branches of government, is free to act as irresp...

Oil price warning

Posted by | 9:31 AM
You may have noticed that the price of gas has dropped recently. So much for "peak oil," you may think. So much for all those libe...

Zombie bankers

Posted by | 10:45 AM
Over at The Economist's econ blog, howls of despair that the new 90% tax on bonuses at bailout-recipient banks will drive our best bank...

Liberal family values, conservative hedonistic sex

Posted by | 9:43 AM
I'm not sure how I managed to overlook this article ...maybe because it was written on election day. But it's one of the best and mo...

A policy idea

Posted by | 7:47 AM
Incentives matter. Brad DeLong points out that one reason America finance companies have done so much worse than our tech companies is that ...

The baleful curse of the American Dream

Posted by | 8:29 AM
When I get around to it, one subject of my PhD research is going to be labor mobility. I want to answer the question: Why do people not move...

Homeownership versus homebuyership

Posted by | 11:38 AM
Matt Yglesias points out that when countries (like Denmark) make sure that only people who can afford mortgages get mortgages... fewer peopl...

AIG's role in the financial crisis

Posted by | 11:05 AM
I always knew why AIG got bailed out by the feds - they had insured a bunch of crappy bonds (CDOs, etc.), which then went bust, leaving AIG ...

Faith, science, creationism, etc.

Posted by | 11:47 AM
Ry sent me this little article about the latest antics of the creationist movement, and I won't go into the article, because articles a...


Posted by | 11:09 AM
When it comes to the world of investing, "fomenting" (spreading false information about stocks to create self-fulfilling prophecie...

Education policy notes

Posted by | 10:23 AM
One of the good things about being a new president is that you can address a lot of issues simultaneously, while the opposition can only blo...

Does might make right?

Posted by | 1:09 PM
I haven't followed the Chas Freeman debate very closely, but maybe I should have. It gives an idea of where liberal foreign policy thin...

Losing our religion

Posted by | 10:22 AM
HuffPo reports that 15% of Americans now say they have no religion, up from 14.2% in 2001 and 8.2% in 1990. 30% of married couples had a no...

Why have the 2000s been so bad for U.S. business?

Posted by | 8:36 AM
I am not talking about the current crash; I am talking about the decade leading up to it. During that decade, median income did not grow. Th...

More on how Ayn Rand is st00pid

Posted by | 3:22 PM
Via Brad DeLong , Hilzoy reports on the strange new conservative obsession with Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged. Supposedly, America'...

After nationalization

Posted by | 10:03 AM
Although the Obama administration continues to publicly insist that it's not going to nationalize the banks, the argument has essential...

Why do conservatives hate government? - the follow-up

Posted by | 9:19 AM
A couple posts ago I asked the question "Why do conservatives hate government?" and offered a few theories. After realizing that ...

More on conservatives and the government mammary

Posted by | 12:31 PM
When I suggested that many conservative-leaning industries make their money directly or indirectly from the government teat, it didn't s...

"gone Galt"; or, How bad sci-fi ruined the conservative movement

Posted by | 2:35 PM
TBogg at firedoglake makes light of some recent comments from Michelle Malkin's site, where some of her readers make dire promises to c...

Why do conservatives hate "government"?

Posted by | 10:55 AM
Ry and I have been discussing this post , in which Nate Silver visits CPAC and concludes that conservatives really, really, really hate &quo...