Posted by Unknown | 8:56 PM
The Economist just released a little mini-report on gun ownership rates in various countries. So I decided to put those numbers together wi...
Home » Archives for April 2008
Guns don't kill people...what does?
The Economist just released a little mini-report on gun ownership rates in various countries. So I decided to put those numbers together wi...A glimpse into the mind of Mr. Noah
Posted by Unknown | 7:46 PM
Excerpted from a recent email exchange, some rants of mine about where the liberal movement needs to go: In the last few years I've hear...
Tip from taxi driver Noah - Sell wheat!
Posted by Unknown | 9:50 PM
Steven Pearstein at the Washington Post takes a point of view that surprisingly few econ bloggers or reporters have taken - that the huge ru...
Vote for us, only $1.9 trillion in deficit spending!
Posted by Unknown | 10:31 AM
Matt Yglesias and Brendan Nyhan are angry at the NYT for drawing a false equivalence between John McCain's plans to increase the debt...
The bling-poverty connection - a quick follow-up
Posted by Unknown | 9:05 AM
I was thinking about my last post, and about the "bling-poverty connection." Like I said before, it's usually very hard for ec...
Bling = poverty
Posted by Unknown | 6:54 PM
Very interesting blog post in the Economist today, about how minorities in America spend way too much on conspicuous consumption: Erik Hurs...
Cold logic about global warming
Posted by Unknown | 8:33 AM
More and more voices are joining the chorus demanding action against global warming. Curiously, these voices are much louder in the rich wo...
That's what they're there for
Posted by Unknown | 9:21 AM
Mike Boyer, writing in FP Passport, resents Coca-Cola's communist-chic appeal to Chinese customers. He bitterly recalls the sense of We...
General equilibrium, anyone?
Posted by Unknown | 2:46 PM
Paul Krugman doesn't think commodity prices are coming down . They did after the big spike in the '70s, but this time, he says, the ...
Blogging hiatus until the end of finals
Posted by Unknown | 6:55 PM
And if I complete all these final projects, this will be my last season of finals...ever! Look for more posts after the 23rd...
Not quite back to the caves

Posted by Unknown | 11:56 AM
A couple days ago, I fretted that civilization is going to collapse without some spiffy technology like thorium riding in to save us like o...
America and the rise of Asia
Posted by Unknown | 8:38 PM
Here's a very interesting (and long) survey article in the New Yorker surveying the flurry of recent books about the rise of Asia. Far...
Handy English / Bad English pocket dictionary
Posted by Unknown | 9:01 PM
Here's an interesting story about how the new Chinese labor law is affecting factories: The law -- designed to combat forced labor, wit...
Obama's "bitter" gaffe
Posted by Unknown | 8:42 PM
Obama's gaffe about "bitter" Pennsylvania residents turning to "God or guns": Does it actually indicate anything ba...
Unpleasant choices for China
Posted by Unknown | 4:00 PM
Time to combine my two recent blogging obsessions into a single subject - China and the resource crash! NPR has a story that echoes a growi...
Thorium sure is spiffy!
Posted by Unknown | 9:54 PM
Reading more and more about peak oil and EROEI (during my study breaks), I've become more and more pessimistic about our civilization...
What do we do about China?
Posted by Unknown | 1:38 PM
In response to my latest anti-China screed , commenter Jollygreen asks: How do we go about getting China to do anything? It seems like they...
Triumph of the Wheat
Posted by Unknown | 9:49 AM
The situation in Afghanistan has been deteriorating for a long time now, partly because the Taliban are still supported by elements within P...
Freedom costs a buck-oh-five, oh yeah...
Posted by Unknown | 4:59 PM
Via Yglesias , here's a Weekly Standard article bashing China : [P]rosperity, while a great public good, is a meager substitute for the...
I'm right I'm right I'm right I'm right I'm right
Posted by Unknown | 10:08 PM
Via Ezra Klein , a blog post in the Economist that has the exact same explanation as I do for why Krugman gets on Obama's case so much...
Some light economics

Posted by Unknown | 5:53 PM
An Economist article (with it's own punny title) asserts that German government support of solar power actually harmed the industry : I...
I really really really don't like the Chinese government.

Posted by Unknown | 10:23 AM
The woman in this picture is Zeng Jinyan. She's about to go under indefinite house arrest with her infant daughter. Why? Because her hu...
How technological progress works
Posted by Unknown | 2:52 PM
Matt Yglesias takes a look at some predictions from 1968 about what life would be like in 2008, and finds them wanting . Tyler Cowen notes ...