Guns don't kill people...what does?

Posted by | 8:56 PM
The Economist just released a little mini-report on gun ownership rates in various countries. So I decided to put those numbers together wi...

A glimpse into the mind of Mr. Noah

Posted by | 7:46 PM
Excerpted from a recent email exchange, some rants of mine about where the liberal movement needs to go: In the last few years I've hear...

Tip from taxi driver Noah - Sell wheat!

Posted by | 9:50 PM
Steven Pearstein at the Washington Post takes a point of view that surprisingly few econ bloggers or reporters have taken - that the huge ru...

Vote for us, only $1.9 trillion in deficit spending!

Posted by | 10:31 AM
Matt Yglesias and Brendan Nyhan are angry at the NYT for drawing a false equivalence between John McCain's plans to increase the debt...

The bling-poverty connection - a quick follow-up

Posted by | 9:05 AM
I was thinking about my last post, and about the "bling-poverty connection." Like I said before, it's usually very hard for ec...

Bling = poverty

Posted by | 6:54 PM
Very interesting blog post in the Economist today, about how minorities in America spend way too much on conspicuous consumption: Erik Hurs...

Cold logic about global warming

Posted by | 8:33 AM
More and more voices are joining the chorus demanding action against global warming. Curiously, these voices are much louder in the rich wo...

That's what they're there for

Posted by | 9:21 AM
Mike Boyer, writing in FP Passport, resents Coca-Cola's communist-chic appeal to Chinese customers. He bitterly recalls the sense of We...

General equilibrium, anyone?

Posted by | 2:46 PM
Paul Krugman doesn't think commodity prices are coming down . They did after the big spike in the '70s, but this time, he says, the ...

Blogging hiatus until the end of finals

Posted by | 6:55 PM
And if I complete all these final projects, this will be my last season of finals...ever! Look for more posts after the 23rd...

Not quite back to the caves

Posted by | 11:56 AM
A couple days ago, I fretted that civilization is going to collapse without some spiffy technology like thorium riding in to save us like o...

America and the rise of Asia

Posted by | 8:38 PM
Here's a very interesting (and long) survey article in the New Yorker surveying the flurry of recent books about the rise of Asia. Far...

Handy English / Bad English pocket dictionary

Posted by | 9:01 PM
Here's an interesting story about how the new Chinese labor law is affecting factories: The law -- designed to combat forced labor, wit...

Obama's "bitter" gaffe

Posted by | 8:42 PM
Obama's gaffe about "bitter" Pennsylvania residents turning to "God or guns": Does it actually indicate anything ba...

Unpleasant choices for China

Posted by | 4:00 PM
Time to combine my two recent blogging obsessions into a single subject - China and the resource crash! NPR has a story that echoes a growi...

Thorium sure is spiffy!

Posted by | 9:54 PM
Reading more and more about peak oil and EROEI (during my study breaks), I've become more and more pessimistic about our civilization...

What do we do about China?

Posted by | 1:38 PM
In response to my latest anti-China screed , commenter Jollygreen asks: How do we go about getting China to do anything? It seems like they&...

Triumph of the Wheat

Posted by | 9:49 AM
The situation in Afghanistan has been deteriorating for a long time now, partly because the Taliban are still supported by elements within P...

Freedom costs a buck-oh-five, oh yeah...

Posted by | 4:59 PM
Via Yglesias , here's a Weekly Standard article bashing China : [P]rosperity, while a great public good, is a meager substitute for the...

I'm right I'm right I'm right I'm right I'm right

Posted by | 10:08 PM
Via Ezra Klein , a blog post in the Economist that has the exact same explanation as I do for why Krugman gets on Obama's case so much...

Some light economics

Posted by | 5:53 PM
An Economist article (with it's own punny title) asserts that German government support of solar power actually harmed the industry : I...

I really really really don't like the Chinese government.

Posted by | 10:23 AM
The woman in this picture is Zeng Jinyan. She's about to go under indefinite house arrest with her infant daughter. Why? Because her hu...

How technological progress works

Posted by | 2:52 PM
Matt Yglesias takes a look at some predictions from 1968 about what life would be like in 2008, and finds them wanting . Tyler Cowen notes ...

Oh no

Posted by | 8:02 AM
We all know about the financial crisis and the recession here in the U.S., but flying under the radar is what might be the most important ec...


Posted by | 10:58 PM
So, I have 18 days left in my semester, and in that time I have - by my quick-and-dirty estimate - 115 hours of work to do. That's only ...