Hillary Clinton is electable

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A new poll finds:
[Hillary Clinton] also runs ahead of all Republicans in general-election matchups, with only Giuliani coming close, trailing by 6 percentage points.

The poll shows that a number of Clinton's perceived weaknesses, from her failed 1994 health-care plan to her decision to stay with her husband after he had an affair with a White House intern, aren't liabilities. Driving her support are women voters, a central focus of the Clinton campaign, which is pushing such programs as expanded paid family leave and affordable health insurance...

Clinton's commanding lead in the Democratic field is being fueled by strong backing among both men and women, as well as minorities. By more than a 2-to-1 margin, all voters think it's a good thing that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would be in a position to offer advice on issues in the White House; Democrats believe this by a margin of 71 percent to 5 percent. (emphasis mine)

In fact, it appears that the main group of people who see Hillary as potentially polarizing are Democrats:

Almost one-third of Democratic voters believe she's a polarizing figure who will have trouble winning a general election.

Wake up, Democrats! The canard that Hillary will polarize the country and unite the Republicans is just that - a canard.


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