Bush makes some smart proposals...

Posted by | 7:41 PM
Much of Bush's State of the Union speech was what we've come to expect - monotonous defenses of the Iraq war and the administration...

Should Noahpinion allow sidebar ads? Give me your thoughts!

Posted by | 4:49 PM
Hi, my small but loyal band of readers! I was just thinking today (weren't we all?) that I could use an extra 17 cents. I could also use...

One thing's sure and nothing's surer...

Posted by | 4:01 AM
What do we liberals think about income inequality? This question has dogged me for years. On one hand, it just seems wrong that business ow...

My first post about globalization!

Posted by | 3:24 AM
If you haven't heard about the rise of China and India, I have one question for you: How do you get your internet connection while livin...

In Alarm, or Half-Mad Analysis

Posted by | 8:44 PM
There goes the neighborhood. Hamas has won the Arab world's freest and fairest election in a landslide, and the entire fury of the unit...

The Liberal Mission: To Smartify America

Posted by | 8:05 PM
My dad spent over twenty-four years living in a medium-sized Texas town chock full of lower-middle-class Southern white people. With great r...

Whoa Canada, whoa Canada...

Posted by | 11:10 PM
Canada has elected a "conservative" prime minister . Stephen Harper intends to join Bush's missile defense initiative, slow go...

We believe in bad!

Posted by | 9:46 PM
One of the main reasons that Americans may not condemn international jihadism (radical Islam, Wahabbism, bin Ladenism, take your pick) as st...

Japanese cowboy takes a dive

Posted by | 10:13 AM
So much for Takafumi Horie . Japan's #1 internet mogul never really invented anything or made anything new - his company is basically a ...

Yay for...Hamas?

Posted by | 7:23 PM
It's a strange fact of life that politics in the tiny proto-micro-anarcho-state of Palestine should obsess America's public sphere ...

No Kings

Posted by | 9:18 PM
Update on the continuing attempts of the Bush Administration to scrap our system of checks and balances in favor of a supreme executive: The...

A little perspective

Posted by | 11:15 PM
Here's something to think about... A list of approximate yearly death tolls of Americans: Civil War (both sides) - 139,500 World War 2 -...

Asian Morality

Posted by | 10:35 PM
Having lived in an Asian country for two years now, I can say with some authority that, in general, East Asian countries haven't thought...

More writing on the wall

Posted by | 8:40 PM
I disagree with most of the nitty-gritty particulars of this article on progressive politics . But the overarching message - that "prog...

Harvey Mansfield is an apologist for dictatorship

Posted by | 7:08 AM
If you are in the mood to have a chill run down your spine, don't go see Hostel ...just read this column by Harvard professor Harvey Ma...

Another no-link post! (with a link)

Posted by | 11:25 PM
I think bloggers, even not-quite-up-to-the-minute ones like myself, are frowned upon if they don't include links in every post. However,...

Religious beliefs

Posted by | 4:01 PM
Enough about love and peace for the moment. Let's talk about propaganda. In this edition of his famous "Talking Points" seg...

War is over, hare rama...

Posted by | 2:20 PM
Happy New Year to all 3 of you loyal readers of my blog! And what better way to ring in the new year than to point out the fact that the Ear...