Yes and no...

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Well, It looks as if, in Pennsylvania, life evolved on its own, while in Kansas it might have been created by a higher intelligence. Well, glad we cleared that up.

Here's my evolution thought of the day:

Biotech is based on theories that wouldn't be right if evolution were wrong.
So, if evolution is real, then there may be billions of dollars in biotechnology waiting to be developed.
But if life was created by an "intelligent designer", then all investment in biotech will come to naught, and we might as well save our money.
Of course, if one country decides to believe that evolution is wrong, it will miss out on all those potentially world-changing biotech business opportunities, and that country will fall behind in the international tech race. That country will get lapped in high-tech by countries like Korea, and possibly China, that have no doubt about evolution.

So think carefully. Teaching "alternatives" to evolution is a basically saying that praying to God is more likely to get you stem cells than relying on genetics. Are any Americans really willing to make that bet?

BONUS - Totally unrelated but intersting article about the French economic system.


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