Home » Archives for October 2012
Does the "Entrepreneurship Subculture" prevent big ideas?

Apple and Sony: an eerie parallel?

Posted by Unknown | 2:03 PM
(Note: This post is a break from "serious" econ blogging...) OK, Don't go and make any financial trades based on this (or anyt...
Money is just little green pieces of paper!

Posted by Unknown | 4:11 PM
Have you ever heard people say that "money is just little green pieces of paper"? Well, that is exactly what Steve Williamson clai...
Reinhart-Rogoff vs. Bordo-Haubrich (with grandstanding by John Taylor)

Posted by Unknown | 4:26 PM
If you follow econ blogs at all, you'll have been reading lots about the dustup between Carmen Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff, whose rese...
What is math, and why should we use it in economics?

Posted by Unknown | 3:49 PM
In my last post, I pointed out that the Nobel Prize-winning work of Lloyd Shapley and Al Roth, makes heavy use of mathematics, and indeed wo...
A Nobel for economics that really works

Posted by Unknown | 9:32 PM
Out here in the blogosphere, it is common to hear things like the following: 1. "Economics doesn't work; it has no practical applic...
Debt and the burden on future generations, Part MMMVIII

Posted by Unknown | 2:33 PM
I don't want to bore people, but once again this question has come up (see here , here , here , here , here , here , and here for th...
Will econ blogging hurt your career?

Posted by Unknown | 11:57 AM
Many people ask me this. Short answer: It's impossible to know. Reason 1: The number of bloggers is small, and blogging is new. In terms...
Acemoglu and Robinson versus the blogs

Posted by Unknown | 2:50 PM
Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson have a paper out (with Thierry Verdier) about different "flavors" of capitalism and how these ...
How many economists are monetarists?

Posted by Unknown | 1:03 PM
Reading the econ blogosphere and talking to macroeconomists, you would think that the monetarists have triumphed. With the coming of QE3 , t...
Hard money and the gerontocracy

Posted by Unknown | 6:05 PM
There is a huge divide between economists and the rest of the populace when it comes to inflation. Economists generally focus purely on the ...