Why do people dislike inflation?

Posted by | 2:45 PM
Matt Yglesias thinks that if people knew that wages were the biggest component of the price level, they wouldn't be as freaked out by in...

Government investment: timing vs. levels

Posted by | 2:01 PM
Tyler Cowen is skeptical of the argument low interest rates mean we should boost government investment :  It is often claimed that the gover...

Economists who don't do it with models

Posted by | 12:01 PM
"Economists do it with models. But those models are generally either really old or really ugly." - Noah Smith, attempting to be wi...

Believe in yourself, for my benefit.

Posted by | 11:58 AM
In his Stanford CS183 class on tech startups, Peter Thiel asks the age-old question : Do entrepreneurs succeed because of skill, or because ...

On grumpy grandparents

Posted by | 3:18 PM
My grand-advisor, Greg Mankiw, is not known to be a big fan of the Democratic party, presumably because they want to raise taxes on the rich...

In defense of private equity: Japan.

Posted by | 11:47 PM
Taking a short break from my blogging break here, to wade into the controversy over private equity . In general, I am a supporter of private...

Another blogging hiatus

Posted by | 10:38 AM
Work has temporarily eaten my life, so very little blogging for a while. In the meantime, feel free to amuse yourself with this video of a...

A pro-fossil industrial policy?

Posted by | 1:35 PM
Two items of news caught my eye today. The first is that Republicans in Congress are trying to stop the U.S. military from using biofuels : ...

Cyclicalists should start talking about structural issues too.

Posted by | 1:10 PM
I could count on my fingers the number of times Paul Krugman has obviously been wrong about something, and still have enough fingers left to...

The macro Overton window

Posted by | 5:55 PM
The "Overton window" is basically the range of positions on a certain question that are considered reasonable. In macroeconomic po...

What is a "financial crisis"? (reply to John Cochrane)

Posted by | 6:09 PM
The conventional wisdom says that recessions that follow financial crises last longer than other recessions. In a recent blog post, John Coc...

Riled by the wrongness of Raghuram Rajan

Posted by | 3:20 PM
Once more, it's time for me to take advantage of the large number of R's in Raghuram Rajan's name to create a catchy blog post t...

Reasons for "apparent status quo" bias at the Fed

Posted by | 1:18 PM
As a follow-up to my last post , I want to think out loud a little more about why the Fed should have a bias toward doing nothing. Warning: ...

Macro: intuition vs. theory

Posted by | 9:56 PM
Two items regarding macro policy have caught my eye this past week. The first is Gideon Rachman arguing for fiscal austerity . The second is...