Home » Archives for May 2012
Why do people dislike inflation?

Government investment: timing vs. levels

Posted by Unknown | 2:01 PM
Tyler Cowen is skeptical of the argument low interest rates mean we should boost government investment : It is often claimed that the gover...
Economists who don't do it with models

Posted by Unknown | 12:01 PM
"Economists do it with models. But those models are generally either really old or really ugly." - Noah Smith, attempting to be wi...
Believe in yourself, for my benefit.

Posted by Unknown | 11:58 AM
In his Stanford CS183 class on tech startups, Peter Thiel asks the age-old question : Do entrepreneurs succeed because of skill, or because ...
On grumpy grandparents

Posted by Unknown | 3:18 PM
My grand-advisor, Greg Mankiw, is not known to be a big fan of the Democratic party, presumably because they want to raise taxes on the rich...
In defense of private equity: Japan.

Posted by Unknown | 11:47 PM
Taking a short break from my blogging break here, to wade into the controversy over private equity . In general, I am a supporter of private...
Another blogging hiatus
Posted by Unknown | 10:38 AM
Work has temporarily eaten my life, so very little blogging for a while. In the meantime, feel free to amuse yourself with this video of a...
A pro-fossil industrial policy?

Posted by Unknown | 1:35 PM
Two items of news caught my eye today. The first is that Republicans in Congress are trying to stop the U.S. military from using biofuels : ...
Cyclicalists should start talking about structural issues too.

Posted by Unknown | 1:10 PM
I could count on my fingers the number of times Paul Krugman has obviously been wrong about something, and still have enough fingers left to...
The macro Overton window

Posted by Unknown | 5:55 PM
The "Overton window" is basically the range of positions on a certain question that are considered reasonable. In macroeconomic po...
What is a "financial crisis"? (reply to John Cochrane)

Posted by Unknown | 6:09 PM
The conventional wisdom says that recessions that follow financial crises last longer than other recessions. In a recent blog post, John Coc...
Riled by the wrongness of Raghuram Rajan

Posted by Unknown | 3:20 PM
Once more, it's time for me to take advantage of the large number of R's in Raghuram Rajan's name to create a catchy blog post t...
Reasons for "apparent status quo" bias at the Fed

Posted by Unknown | 1:18 PM
As a follow-up to my last post , I want to think out loud a little more about why the Fed should have a bias toward doing nothing. Warning: ...
Macro: intuition vs. theory

Posted by Unknown | 9:56 PM
Two items regarding macro policy have caught my eye this past week. The first is Gideon Rachman arguing for fiscal austerity . The second is...