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Monetarists should be thinking about fiscal policy

Thursday Roundup (3/29/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 12:39 AM
OK, here's y'all's links! This week, Brad DeLong and Larry Summers release a paper about how people shouldn't be left withou...
Scientific failures: particle physics vs. macroeconomics

Posted by Unknown | 12:06 AM
In a comment thread over at Steve Williamson's blog (yes, I am avoiding work, why do you ask?), I wrote: As for the reason for my pessi...
Behavioral finance people are doing experiments!

Posted by Unknown | 9:13 AM
Experimental finance, like all experimental studies of complex systems, suffers from a problem of "external validity" - it is not ...
Cochrane blasts austerity AND stimulus...???

Posted by Unknown | 9:18 AM
Another salvo in the Macro Wars . In a newish blog post , John Cochrane declares that austerity is hurting Europe: Austerity isn't worki...
Thursday Roundup on Friday (3/21/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 6:44 AM
Whoops! Forgot to post the weekly roundup yesterday. Here y'all go! 1. Paul Krugman notes that the stock market has been doing great und...
Did the Krugman insurgency fail?

Posted by Unknown | 2:38 PM
Is New Old Keynesianism dead? I encourage everyone to read Henry Farrell and John Quiggin's new article, " Consensus, Dissensus and...
What do inflation hawks know that we don't?

Posted by Unknown | 2:16 PM
(First, a disclaimer: I am not using the word "inflation hawk" in a pejorative way; I am using it to mean "Someone whose infl...
How can debt affect GDP?

Posted by Unknown | 8:36 AM
Via Tyler Cowen, I just saw this from Felix Salmon : There’s a whole narrative in this chart. From 1970 through the beginning of the crisi...
Is solar a bigger deal than people realize?

Posted by Unknown | 7:04 PM
In November, Tyler Cowen had this gloomy prediction about solar power : If a solar breakthrough is now likely, in which market prices do we ...
Thursday Roundup (3/15/2012)

Posted by Unknown | 9:03 PM
This week in econ: A bunch of people are talking about philosophy-of-macroeconomics, which I like...things like microfoundations, rational e...
Can people be fooled again and again? (Goldman Sachs edition)

Posted by Unknown | 12:55 PM
A very interesting article in the NYT today, in which Greg Smith gives his reasons for resigning as an executive director at Goldman Sachs ....
Offensiveness does not make you a better economist

Posted by Unknown | 8:42 PM
"It's almost like you have to say socially unacceptable things once in a while just to prove you're a real economist." - a...