Home » Archives for November 2011
We need a Peter Thiel conservatism

Federal income tax is the enemy of urbanism

Posted by Unknown | 2:29 PM
Finishing my dissertation this year has forced me to come out of my troll-cave and interact a lot more with my econ department. And that has...
Who Wins? A Taxonomy.

Posted by Unknown | 11:44 AM
As a follow-up to my last post , here's my attempt at a taxonomy of "who wins" under various economic systems. You may perhaps...
Why conservatives can't get people to work hard

Posted by Unknown | 7:41 PM
"A city is made of brick, Pharoah. The strong make many. The weak make few. The dead make none." - Moses I'm a bit late to the...
Is America's financialization China's fault?

Posted by Unknown | 6:05 PM
This morning, as I read the latest big expose on the continuing financialization of America's economy (this one courtesy of the excelle...
A proposal for Greg Mankiw's Economics 10 course

Posted by Unknown | 3:01 PM
First, let me say that I think it's a tad silly to walk out of a survey course because you think it's biased and incomplete, before...
No, a science major does not guarantee you a job...

Posted by Unknown | 11:00 AM
Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy is someone I respect a great deal, and I love his blog. But in this post , he tells one of the most blatant who...
Let them eat NGDP

Posted by Unknown | 3:18 PM
This weekend, at an INET conference, Mike Konczal of Rortybomb made the excellent point that the econ blogosphere is probably adding more ...
"NGDP targeting" means "print money and buy stuff"

Posted by Unknown | 3:31 PM
The econ blogosphere is afire with talk of "NGDP targeting." I don't have a huge amount to add to this discussion, but this po...