Home » Archives for October 2011
Niall Ferguson does not know what "Western Civilization" means

Another blogging hiatus

Posted by Unknown | 6:58 PM
Work calls again. Regular blogging will resume November 3. In the meantime, satisfy your Noahpinion cravings by staring at this cute picture...
I mug pandas

Posted by Unknown | 4:23 PM
Two things I don't understand. The first is why people think pandas are so unbearably cute. They're not bad, but I think they are ou...
Rational Expectations vs. Heliocentrism

Posted by Unknown | 2:12 PM
More philosophy-of-science blogging... It's not often that I take strong exception to a Matt Yglesias point, but today is one of those d...
Three cheers for Sargent & Sims, one and a half for the "Economics Nobel"

Posted by Unknown | 5:44 PM
Today, as you may have heard, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, more commonly called the "Eco...
Baxter & King 1993: Why government spending isn't just moving money around

Posted by Unknown | 10:43 AM
This is the first in a series of posts called "Papers You Should Know". I believe one of the essential roles of econ blogs should ...
"Industrial Complexes" and the Great Relocation

Posted by Unknown | 6:27 PM
Paul Krugman created the theory that inspired my Great Relocation idea, so perhaps it's natural for him to invoke it regarding Congress...