Science is about discarding models, not making them

Posted by | 3:21 PM
As someone who is preparing to apply for jobs as a professional economist, I can't help feeling down when I see Paul Krugman write somet...

Miscellaneous Lucas

Posted by | 7:37 PM
Someday I intend to write a book about the history of modern macroeconomics. I plan on having Bob Lucas be a pivotal figure in this book, so...

Has Steve Williamson proved that our Universe is non-causal?

Posted by | 3:36 PM
Steve Williamson has written a review of John Quiggin's Zombie Economics that is based neither on flippancy nor personal insults . Ku...

Great Stagnation...or Great Relocation?

Posted by | 2:39 PM
"I was on top of the Westin Hotel being shown the sights of [Shanghai], and I had a sudden crisis as I looked out at the extraordinary ...

Does rapid TFP growth make recessions end quickly?

Posted by | 12:04 PM
Tyler Cowen believes that having rapid TFP growth makes recessions end more quickly: It also seems to me that  the long run comes more quic...

Sean Carroll on social science vs. natural science

Posted by | 5:08 PM
I generally don't like to repost other people's blog posts in full on my blog, because it deprives the writers of pageviews. And of ...

Tinkering at the margins

Posted by | 12:30 PM
Still swamped with work, but time for a quick post to reward myself for getting my dissertation proposal approved... Harvard profs Greg Mank...