Home » Archives for August 2011
Blogging on hold

Japan's low unemployment is easily explained

Posted by Unknown | 7:59 AM
Tyler Cowen , Karl Smith , Scott Sumner , and Matt Yglesias raise a question about the Japanese economy: Why is Japan's unemployment r...
Are we replacing robots with Chinese people?

Posted by Unknown | 10:11 AM
OK, REALLY, dissertation committee, this is my last blog post for a while. PROMISE. But this Tyler Cowen article was too good to pass up. I...
Sadly, macroeconomics IS based on common sense.

Posted by Unknown | 4:18 AM
This article by Stephen Moore in the WSJ basically sums up the economic viewpoint of naive conservatives. Key excerpts: I'm surprised h...
Envy, or self-esteem?

Posted by Unknown | 7:02 AM
More interesting thoughts on envy from the guys at the Cato blog. Bryan Caplan says we should " count our blessings "; I agree, th...
The libertarian solution to inequality

Posted by Unknown | 6:14 AM
The libertarian movement often has a very odd notion of "liberty." Here is yet another case in point. Reviewing a book about happi...
The Krugman/Mulligan debate: a possible resolution

Posted by Unknown | 5:57 AM
Over at the New York Times, Paul Krugman and Casey Mulligan have been having a debate. Mulligan says that seasonal variation in teen employ...
Do property rights increase freedom? (Japan edition)

Posted by Unknown | 5:13 AM
Update : I wrote this post in the summer of 2011, while working in Tokyo. But this year, in the summer of 2012, I went back to Tokyo for two...
Greg Mankiw thinks Obama's stimulus worked

Posted by Unknown | 2:21 AM
Here is a video of Greg Mankiw's August 8 appearance on Larry Kudlow . At 3:27, Mankiw says: Fiscal policy is going to be a drag going f...
Republicans own this downgrade

Posted by Unknown | 8:25 AM
I would like to think that I am not a shill for the Democratic Party. I realize that my extreme liberalism on social issues biases me toward...
In which John Quiggin intellectually pulpifies Stephen Williamson

Posted by Unknown | 12:44 PM
Being the mild and nonconfrontational guy that I am, I was a little embarrassed to give this post such a combative title, but after implying...